
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Self-improvement( p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0p...

Self-improvement( p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0p...: The Craft of Acting Have you ever dreamed of one day becoming a famous Hollywood actor? If so, the first thing ...

The Craft of Acting
Have you ever dreamed of one day becoming a famous Hollywood actor? If so, the first thing you need to realize is that this dream can become a reality if you're willing to put in the time, training, dedication, passion and patience required to make it in Hollywood.
If you've always wondered how to become a film or television actor, then here are the secrets in this book that may not get you the role of a lifetime, but they will help you to treat your acting career as a career and not simply as something you choose to do for fun.
Grab moments when they happen
The only method to deal with yourself as an actor or an actress is to follow the emotional truth of what you have to do under the imaginary circumstances because if you have the emotion, it infects you and the audience. And as you develop, you become confident. You come to believe in what you're doing and trust it because it's out of you.
Believe that everything worth achieving isn’t beyond your capacity. The thing is to persist, not back off, fight your fight, pay your dues, and carry on. Effort is all; continue and you may get there despite everything.
This book is one of the best books on acting around as it helps give you a brief insight into what an inspiring artist has in mind.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Three gifts are promised by God
When it comes to renewing your mind, God will do His part, but not your part.
Three gifts are promised by God for every good one -a spirit of power, a spirit of love, and a spirit of self-discipline.
Self discipline in our thoughts is a critical element of renewing our minds. God has promised to help.

God promises to bring us from darkness into light.
You try to focus your mind on God's truth, but the evil movie continues to play in your mind. God offers another strategy we can use for these kinds of battles in the mind. "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.
We must do the same when we face evil thoughts. Satan is our enemy, committed to destroying us.

When evil thoughts come into your mind, don't try to run from them-attack them! Use the tools God has given you. Once you have exposed what you are battling, then begin to focus on the positive things.

Renewing our minds is a challenge that may take a lifetime.. But the real key to remember-this is my mind, and I must take full responsibility for renewing it.

The blessings are incredible that God has promised if we renew our mind-we will be transformed, we will be able to test and approve God's will in our lives, and we will experience His peace.

God recognizes only our inner beauty
We must make our internal world as beautiful as we are externally. God recognizes only our inner beauty.
We will know if we are good natured or not in our interactions with the world -- if we are helpful, selfless, we participate in others’ problems, shed a tear in their times of difficulty.
Just like, we buy something only after examining its quality and purity, the Lord examines whether we are qualified and eligible to receive His grace through good health, wealth and prosperity.
We have to be crystal clear inside.
We are carrying the filth of impurities, on the other hand we are carrying the nectar of the soul as well.
Everything is ready-made, except the mind!
Remove the garbage of emotions, harsh feelings and intellectual perversion. God will be pleased. Let your house and heart be clean every day. When God comes into our hearts, everyday is a festival!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

سيلين ديون شاركت في برنامج اسيوي قبل برنامج المواهب الامريكي

صوت يذهل الجميع وتحصل على الباز الذهبي قوت تالنت الامريكي 2017 مترجم

The first golden key to entering the realm of Bliss
The absolute Faith in God
How can you reject faith in Allah, seeing that you were dead and He gave you life. Then He will cause you to die, then He will bring you to life, then to Him will be your return.  It is simple and easy for everyone to do. It is easy for everyone to control all the laws of nature and uses of force grandeur of nature, according to his desire or need or comfort. It is possible for a person to penetrate the value of being transcendental in the true nature of his mind, and regardless of the reason in both cases waking or dreaming and then acquires the level of Being with God. Being with God (via the absolute Faith in Allah) is the source of inspiration, an essential foundation for all laws of nature in order to work, the human being has put himself in a position where it becomes able naturally to use the forces in the nature.
How can I make my heart love Allah (swt)?
·       Follow the Holy Quran alone.