
Friday, October 12, 2018

Get the life you want

1-Turn to God and ask for
Being with God gives you inspiration
and courage. You should have a peace of mind. Remember that God alone has been
in perfect peace. The calm person, one who loves peace is not only calm
himself, but tries to make others calm too and to spread peace around him.
Highlight the skills you possess.
 2-Dye your feelings white and have an optimistic outlook.
You should practise how to present yourself efficiently and
3-Think before you act and weigh your words before you say.
4-Relax. A few
simple techniques can help calm frayed nerves.
5-Visualization is a relaxation technique in which you create a mental
image of a stressful or challenging situation.
6-Practise succeeding in your imagination, and soon you will be doing it in
7-Identify yourself as an active force.
8-Positive thinking is to have enough self-confidence and self-esteem.
9-Self-confidence and self-help will enable you to view things in a way that
is constructive, fulfilling and hopeful.
10-Make it a habit to encourage yourself to get things done or to get out of
gloomy situations.
11-If there is something that you do not like whether about yourself or a certain situation, try to
change it the best way you know how.
12-Accepting fate in a positive, optimistic and constructive way is the key to
13-Sharpen your sense of responsibility and determination.
14-Tame your anger or any negative vibes that you may have. 
15-Losing your temper triggers rash actions and violence, and often it is too late to change the
consequences that may result from such fits.
16-When you make it regular habit to complain and let out negative views and pessimism, you will
only bring yourself down and drive people away from you.
is a deadly enemy that defeats your hopes and aspirations.
18-Make time for whatever makes you happy and gives you a sense of meaning.
19-Activities like walking, cycling, jogging, and swimming offer you natural
painkillers and a natural mood-lift.
20-Busy your mind with Allah to have a clear mind free of all distracting thoughts and
nasty ideas.
21-The best thing to do to obtain peace of heart and
, happiness and tranquility is by the
remembrance of Allah. Allah says: "Those who believe (in the Oneness of
Allah - Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily,
in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.

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