
Friday, December 15, 2017

God, the Knower of all things
God, the Knower of all things, the Cognizant, knows that after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhamad people will invent lies about the prophet and call it Hadiths and Sunna. God, ahead of all of them used the word Hadith in the Quran. God gave His true believers a strong start with the word Hadith and He told them which Hadith they should accept, the HADITH OF GOD ONLY. The word Hadith has been used several times in the Quran ( about 31 times in different forms, 18 of them with the exact word HADITH). None of the good hadiths in the Quran refer to what the Muslims nowadays believe is Muhammed's Hadiths. The word Sunna in the Quran never referred to Muhammed's sunna.

A review of the use of the word Hadith in the Quran can show any sincere believer that God wants us to follow no other Hadiths but His Hadith, the QURAN.

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