
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

I want to tell you that thanks to Allah I have the method of the deep reading. I read with great focus. I discovered that:
The Jews, hundreds of years after Moses's death created Mishnah (hadith, sayings) and Gemarrah (sunna, Actions) and uphold them and the invented laws in them rather than the TORAH (revealed word of God).
In the city of Nicene 300 years after the death of Jesus, the concept of Trinity was CREATED, and is now the primary source of a Christian's belief in defiance of the Bible which advocates the absolute worship of God Alone.
The Muslims 150- 200 years after the death of Muhammed CREATED another source of their religion with the Quran, "Hadith and Sunnah", falsely attributed to the prophet Muhammed, and in defiance of the Quran. Today most Muslims have discarded the Quran in favor of Hadith and Sunnah.

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