
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Open the door to your smile

Open the door to your smile
Go ahead, open the door to happiness, so that you can smile more and lead a happy and cheerful life.

Smile to see a big difference in your life.
Let us always meet each other with smile.
A smile is happiness.

Smiling and laughing can have a positive effect on your health.
Benefits of Smiling
1-Endorphins are released when you smile.
Endorphins are responsible for making us feel happy, and they also help lower stress levels. Faking a smile or laugh works as well as the real thing—the brain doesn’t differentiate between real or fake as it interprets the positioning of the facial muscles in the same way. This is known as the facial feedback hypothesis. The more we stimulate our brain to release this chemical the more often we feel happier and relaxed.
2-Smile acts as the body’s natural pain-killers. For sufferers of chronic pain, laughing and smiling can be very effective in pain management, as can laughing off the pain when you bump an elbow or fall over.
3-Cortisol is more active when we feel stressed or anxious and contributes to the unpleasant feelings we experience, and by lowering it we can reduce these negative feelings by smiling.
4-Smile stimulates homeostasis.
This exercises the body, replenishing the cells from a lungful of oxygen and gaining all the benefits of exercising the body.
5-A good smile can help you release emotions, especially those emotions that you might bottle up inside. Everything looks that little bit better after a good laugh and life can be seen from a more positive perspective. Smiling and laughing have positive social implications as well.
6-Smiling makes you appear more approachable. Interaction with others is easier and more enjoyable when smiles and laughs are shared, and this behavior is contagious, making others feel better too, and make you a more appealing and attractive person to be around.
7-A smiling, relaxed persona indicates confidence and an ability to cope well in stressful situations. This will also be of benefit in your career, building healthy relationships with colleagues and being seen in a favorable light by your employers.
8-Those who smile tend to be thought of as having more confidence and sociable, therefore managers view these people as having what it takes to move up in the workplace.
9-Smiling — the purest expression of happiness — has the ability to regulate our blood pressure, strengthen our immune system, lower the risk of cancer, increase our life by seven years, and provide inner peace and satisfaction.

There are simple ways to bring more smiling and laughing into your day:
Smile and laugh regularly.
Watch funny films, TV, and theater shows.
By avoiding negative programs and news broadcasts, you can also balance make your view more positive and lighthearted, with more opportunity for a chuckle or two.
Surrounding yourself with happy, optimistic people who love you, will bring out your happy side, and their behavior will rub off on you as you subconsciously mimic their behavioral patterns.
Have a dog (Golden Retriever) to smile and laugh. Once you start consciously looking at your dog that is funny and uplifting, you will be more aware of happiness.
You feel better when you smile.
Smiling is awesome. Try it.
It makes you sound friendly.
Those who smile live longer.

1 comment:

  1. Smiling is awesome. Try it.
    It makes you sound friendly.
    Those who smile live longer.
