
Friday, January 27, 2017

How to Be in a Good Mood

Sometimes life passes us by so fast that it feels as though we are sitting on a bus with our life sliding by like the scenery outside the window.

Frustration and disappointment are inevitable, but you don't have to let them ruin your mood. With a few behavioral changes, you can alter your experience of life. By focusing on being or doing good, you'll feel good. Happiness is a choice.

1-We are beings destined to love. Love is essential to humanity. Infuse your actions with love, and you will increase your vibrations and mood.

2- Reading positive books, stimulates the release of the biochemicals endorphins and norepinephrine. Endorphins decrease the sensation of pain and norepinephrine may contribute to the regulation of mood. In addition to the chemical effects of reading positive books, regular reading will help you feel good about yourself.

3-A brisk walk is usually all it takes to get your chemicals flowing.

4-A healthy diet also contributes to general feelings of wellbeing, but some vitamins and minerals especially may help to boost mood. B vitamins may help improve mood, so load up on green vegetables, like asparagus. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, may protect against the effects of stress.

5- Most of us like sweets. My sweetheart (N) likes sweet. To satisfy your sweet tooth, eat two ounces of dark chocolate each day. Chocolate with at least 70% cocoa has been shown to reduce the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.

6-Sleep deprivation can contribute to irritability and poor mood regulation. Quality sleep will increase energy and help you manage stress. The optimum amount of sleep varies for individual, but for most adults it's between seven and nine hours.  Sleeping more than this generally will not improve your mood and may actually make you feel depressed or tired.

7-Notice when your self-talk or thoughts become pessimistic, abusive, defeatist, or negative. Then consciously take that thought and reframe it in a positive way. This corrects faulty thinking and gives you a better chance of being happy and successful.  If you catch yourself thinking, try reframing your thinking to set yourself up for success. Say, "This is going to be a challenge, but if I break the assignment down into smaller parts and manage my time, I will get it done.”
Reframing takes a conscious effort on your part, but it can help you change the tone of your self-talk into something positive, supportive, and kind.

8- Smile, even if you don't feel like it. Facial expression seems to have a moderate effect on mood, though scientists don't fully understand why. The act of smiling may induce feelings of happiness, so smile frequently.
The more you smile, the more others will smile at you. This will also improve mood and make social interactions more pleasant.

9-Happy music can instantly improve your mood and increase awareness of positive attributes of others and your environment. Try starting each day by listening to upbeat music while you get dressed. Keep headphones with you so you can give your mood a boost periodically throughout the day.

10-Spend a little time each day doing something you enjoy. This will give you something to look forward to and provide a brief escape from stress. Spending time looking at flowers, will contribute to positive mood.

11-Meditating helps to manage stress and improve mood. Schedule 20 minutes each day to maintain the benefits of meditation, and take breaks for additional meditation during times of stress.
Meditating takes practice so be patient.
Find a quiet place to practice meditation.
Close your eyes or focus on a central object, like a candle flame, a flower, the word “God” to reduce visual distractions.
Focus your attention on your breathing. If you struggle with distractions, counting the duration as you inhale and exhale may help. Affirmations also work. "I love Allah" or "I believe in Allah" as you breathe out. Think about the creation of heaven so as not to be broken easily by trivia.

12-Take time each day to acknowledge all of the things you have to be grateful for to God. This will help you maintain a positive attitude and a pleasant mood.
By highlighting the things you feel grateful for in your everyday life, you will realize what you love about your life, be able to reinforce it, and keep pumping up your mood.  

13-Volunteering to help others will improve your self-esteem and help you gain a little perspective. Realizing you are in a position to offer something to others will help you to focus on your strengths and resources, improving your mood.

14-Random acts of kindness are a great way to boost your mood quickly, without requiring ongoing commitment. The acts don't need to be grand.  Commit to performing a specific number of acts of kindness each day or each week. Write down each act and how it made you feel for an additional boost to your mood.

15-Wear clothes you love.
Dress to look and be your best self. Whenever you see yourself in the window or mirror, you’ll notice the effort you made in the morning, and you’ll instantly lift your mood.

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