
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to have the happy, healthy hair you always wanted!

How to have the happy, healthy hair you always wanted!

Hair Growth Remedies

Having strong, shiny, vibrant hair can boost your confidence and make you feel ready to take on the world.
As we get older, our luscious locks lose their luster and become thinner, frailer, and less bouncy. To inspire hair growth and overall hair health, it takes more than applying a powerful over-the-counter treatment on the strands. Instead, it requires focusing on the scalp and inner nutrition, so that you are able to grow healthy, strong hair, from the inside out. The following natural hair growth remedies are cheap and straightforward ways to get your hair where you want it to be.
People often make the mistake of thinking that they need to wash their hair everyday, but washing hair too often can actually dry hair out, or weigh it down with product.

1-For most people, washing your hair twice a week is very good.

2-Always use a good conditioner after you shampoo. Conditioner will provide moisture for your hair, while making it softer and more manageable. It will also make your hair easier to brush out after the shower, thus causing less damage. Only apply conditioner to the ends and mid-lengths of your hair, otherwise your hair will look greasy.

3-Every so often, try using a deep conditioning treatment. You can use deep conditioning treatments like olive oil, argan oil, avocado oil or coconut oil.

4-Wet hair is more susceptible to damage than dry hair, it is more elastic and more likely to break. Since hair is most fragile when it's wet, you shouldn't rip a brush through it after washing. Instead, you should spray some detangler on it, and then use a wide-tooth comb to remove tangles and minimize breakage.

5-Remember to start from the ends up, not from the roots down.

6-Once hair is dry, avoid unnecessary brushing, combing or handling.

7-Using your fingers to comb through your hair while wet can cause damage and hair loss. Make sure to wait until after your shower to comb out any tangles.

8-Massaging the scalp encourages blood flow, which stimulates hair follicles and new hair to grow. You can pair this method with an oil that helps with hair growth as well, such as castor oil. Simply massage the scalp, with or without the oil, in circular motion for three to five minutes, making sure to cover the entire surface area of the scalp.
9-Castor oil is rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, which improve hair condition and boost its growth naturally. Mix castor oil with equal parts olive oil and massage into the scalp. Leave the oil on the hair for up to 45 minutes before rinsing and then cleaning with shampoo and condition as you usually do.
10-Of all the natural hair growth remedies on this list, this tip is the most profound. True beauty comes from within, and that pertains to the hair as well. Any nutritional deficiency can affect hair health and growth, so be sure to consume a well-rounded, mostly plant-based diet with plenty of protein and vital vitamins and minerals. About three percent of the hair is composed of omega-3 fatty acids, and you’d be amazed what a higher consumption of omega-3s can do for your hair! Find omega-3s, wild rice, walnuts, canola oil, beans, flax seeds, and sustainable seafood.
11-Flipping your hair down, with your head hanging in front of you, helps to bring blood flow to the scalp, improving circulation and stimulating hair growth. You could also do inversions, which involve the entire body situated downward at an angle, such as in a head or shoulder-stand.
Foods to Eat for Gorgeous Hair

The Best Foods for Your Hair:

1-Beans: This family of chili participants is lean protein at its finest.
2-Swiss Chard :The B vitamin biotin is absolutely essential to hair health.

3-Nuts: These little nutrition nuggets are packed with essential fats, vitamin E and B vitamins, all of which can significantly improve the appearance of hair and nails. 
4-Dates: Let the date be your sweetener of choice to infuse your diet with the proper iron necessary for the growth of healthy hair. An iron deficiency can cause slow hair growth, if not hair loss.
5-Bananas: Go bananas, for the mineral silica is thought to improve hair thickness.  
6-Milled flax seeds are better for you - mix the whole and milled seeds together. They're tasty in bread and sprinkled on salads...

7-Walnuts: Also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, walnuts contain zinc, biotin and vitamin E (which protects cells from DNA damage). Since the hair is regularly exposed to the sun, that protection is actually pretty useful.

8-Salmon: salmon is also a fantastic source of lean protein. 

9-Tuna: Fairly inexpensive and widely available, tuna is a great food for the hair. It contains omega 3 fatty acids, protein and selenium, which is useful for promoting new hair growth.

10-Kale: Kale is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, contains some protein, is richer in iron per calorie than beef and contains plenty of vitamins.

11-Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt is high in protein (with less calories than regular yogurt), plus vitamins D and B5. You may know vitamin B5 by its other name - pantothenic acid - a name which regularly appears on hair care product labels, simply because it really does care for the hair!

12-Eggs: Eggs are important but I like neither eggs nor garlic.

13-Chicken: A great source of lean protein, it also provides iron (in the darker meat), zinc and B vitamins (including pantothenic acid, vitamin B5).

14-Oysters: They're rich in zinc, iron... and provide a nice boost of protein, too!

15-Sweet Potato: The magnificently orange sweet potato is no exception - rich in vitamin C and bursting with the antioxidant beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A.

16-Spinach: Spinach is rich in iron, magnesium, beta-carotene (yes, even green veggies contain beta-carotene), vitamin C and folate, all of which are believed to support the circulation of hair oils and maintain healthy follicles.

17-Lentils: These little legumes are wonderful... cheap, versatile and chock-full of valuable nutrients.

Lentils provide magnesium and make an excellent vegetarian source of protein. They also contain biotin, iron and zinc, meaning they're a great "all round" food. 

18-Avocado: Avocados are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, pantothenic acid, folate, B vitamins and vitamin C. What's more, research has shown that eating avocado with foods that contain the antioxidants lycopene and beta-carotene (such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and spinach) helps you absorb MORE of those nutrients, really giving you the most 'bang for your buck'.

1 comment:

  1. Having strong, shiny, vibrant hair can boost your confidence and make you feel ready to take on the world.
