
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How to be flirty and gorgeous

How to be flirty and gorgeous

You’re beautiful if you believe you’re beautiful

As you dwell on the idea for a while, you’ll realize that inner beauty is the only beauty there is. I’m not trying to say that outer appearances don’t matter. All I’m saying is that inner beauty plays a much bigger part even in first sight than you think.

What is inner beauty all about?

It’s the real beauty of a person that goes far beyond just physical appearances. You may assume that inner beauty is something you can only feel and never see. But how true is that? There’s a big confusion between outer beauty and inner beauty, and in all that confusion, we’ve overlooked the true effort of inner beauty and given all the credit to outer beauty. You may assume that you never notice inner beauty at first sight. But is that really true? Almost all the time, you notice a person’s physical appearance only for a moment, until the real inner beauty starts the attraction game.

You may speak to someone for a minute and find them pleasant or not-so-pleasant at first. But as the conversation goes on for a minute or two, you may start to pick qualities and traits, and without even realizing it, you may start to find a person more and more beautiful or charming.

What makes attractive people so attractive?

It’s true, physical appearances can be a bonus, but it’s something that’s easily overlooked when other traits are brought into the picture. The glow of confidence and sex appeal comes from within you. Glowing confidence and self-belief makes you attractive to every member of the opposite sex. First impressions don’t always depend on your physique or your facial features, but you need to believe that from within yourself. And that’s where your true beauty lies.

Are you beautiful on the inside?

Inner beauty helps you appreciate outer beauty. If you love, appreciate and feel good about yourself, you would feel more confident about facing and interacting with other beautiful people in the world. Remember, outer beauty can give you a glance, it’s inner beauty that makes someone stay.

Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder?

When you fill your thoughts with positive energy and inner beauty, you’d appreciate the things that are around you a lot more too. Even when you look at an inanimate object like a painting, or even a view of the ocean, it seems more beautiful to you because you see the beauty that overflows within you reflect in everything else around you.
If you feel beautiful, your own self-belief and confidence brings out a glow of beauty that no outer beauty can compete with. But if you feel ugly, your inner beauty will reflect the same idea and project it on your outer beauty. If you truly feel beautiful on the inside, you’d never seem unappealing to anyone else.

Truly believe in yourself. But if you seem unconvinced that you’re truly beautiful, start working on what you perceive as flaws about yourself.

Flaws are perceptive and it’s a flaw only because you believe it’s one. A girl who wants to lose 10 pounds may think she’s fat, while another girl who wants to be size zero may think she’s fat. To a third girl’s eye, both those girls may already be skinny! Beauty is just a perception that begins from within.

You’re beautiful if you believe you’re beautiful. You’re attractive if you feel attractive. Everyone only sees you as a projection of what you see when you look into the mirror.
You’re beautiful if you know it and feel it. So go on out there, because there’s a whole world waiting for the beautiful you. And if you still feel like there’s a flaw holding the beautiful you back, learn to overcome it.

1 comment:

  1. You’re beautiful if you know it and feel it. So go on out there, because there’s a whole world waiting for the beautiful you.
