
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Testimony of Faith
The correct Testimony in all the Scriptures does not contain any name other than the name of God.
First and foremost, the only Testimony authorised by God in the Quran is the one in 3:18.
The words "there is no god but He (God)", are the exact words which God Himself utters, also the angels and those who possess knowledge.
The majority of Bokharions today are not satisfied with the Shahada given in 3:18 so they add to it the words: "and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger".
To add any words or names to a Testimony authorised by God is in fact to imply that the Testimony given to us by God in the Quran is incomplete! Or that God forgot the second half of the Testimony! Needless to say, God is not forgetful nor does God make mistakes!

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