
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Dogs in Islam
Dogs are naturally affectionate. Their instinct is to want to bond. Dogs that fight or attack have been conditioned by humans to be that way. Dogs want to love and be loved, which I think deep down is what all of us want. They want to be part of a pack, contribute to their pack, and protect their fellow pack members.
My dog has been my most loyal friend and constant companion. He does not care about whether I am poor or rich.; he just loves me for me. And I love him.

Aren’t Dogs dirty (Najis) ?!!!!!
I heard this from a Bokhary Sunni friend. So I told him to read the Quran and find what Quran says about dogs. It is interesting to know that dogs are mentioned in the Quran 5 times, not just once, 7:176, 18:18, 18:22 (three times). NO WHERE does God call the dogs dirty animals or give any indication that they should be avoided or treated the way many Sunni think they should. Actually the story of the people of the cave, in Sura 18, gives the indication. That we should appreciate.
The people of the cave, 3, 5 or 7 were mentioned in the Quran and every time God insists on letting us know that their dog was there with them. Their story can be as complete without the mention of the dog, but God did, Why ?
God is telling us these righteous people were in the cave with their dog, if it is not righteous to have dogs, God would not have told us that story in which the dog has to be remembered as being there. We have to know the quality of God, if we were to worship Him correctly. When God says something He means it, and when he does not, he means it as much. If God did not curse the dog and call it all kinds of name, it is because God wants us to know that He created that beautiful creature and He knew that we would make friends with that animal that accompanied these righteous people of the cave.
Fabricated Hadiths contradict the Quran. Many Hadiths were narrated by Abu Hurayra. Abu Hurayra, whose name was translated as the father of the little cat, hated dogs and women and from his mouth came many Hadiths that insulted women and cursed the dogs and made them undesirable animals that need to be avoided and in other hadiths killed.
These fabricated Hadtihs were falsely attributed to the prophet Muhammed who cannot utter but the teachings of the Quran and would only be a living example of the Quran itself. The prophet Muhammed who lived by the Quran could not have said anything but Quran.
[Quran 4:82] ....If it were from othr than God, they would have found in it numerous contradictions."
Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Quran.

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