
Friday, December 14, 2018

The genuine believers will always choose to believe God's words rather than the words of any interpreter. They will always accept the straightforward meaning of the Quranic verse rather than the vague far fetched meaning. In return, God has rendered the Quran easy for the genuine believers to understand. As for those who choose to believe other than God, God has placed shields over their eyes and hearts which prevents them from understanding the Quran. They are not permitted access to the Quranic truth even though they may be professors of the Arabic language and may have spent all their lives with their heads immersed in what they call "the science of Quranic interpretation"!
"Who is more transgressing than one who has been reminded of his Lord's signs, but he turned away from them and forgot what his hands had done. We have placed veils on their hearts so they do not understand it and deafness in their ears. If you invite them to the guidance, they will not be guided then, ever." 18:57

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