
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I believe that studying Allah’s Names and Attributes is one of the most effective ways of strengthening my relationship with Allah. Each Name and Attribute nourishes a kind of consciousness and humility in my heart and my study leads me to constantly better my actions.
“The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on Him by them.” (Quran, 7:180)
Muslims are asked to call upon God during their supplications by the most appropriate names that relate to what they are asking for. For example, if one is seeking forgiveness from God for a sin they have committed, they would call upon Him by His name “Al-Ghaffar,” meaning “The Ever Forgiving.” If one is asking for peace and tranquility in their life while experiencing a period of tension, they would call on God by His name “As-Salaam,” meaning “The Ultimate Source of Peace.”

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