
Monday, February 27, 2017

Always learn words in pairs if the word has an opposite

Always learn words in pairs if the word has an opposite.

For example if you have the word Off then learn the word ON at the same time.
Good x Bad,
Hot x Cold,
Slowly x Quickly,
Slow x Fast,
Uncomfortable x Comfortable,
Pack x Unpack,
Over x Under,
Stupid x Smart,
Big x Small,
Expensive x Cheap,
Always x Never,
Much x Few,
More x Less,
Healthy x Ill,
Alive x Dead,
Specific x General,
Nothing x Something,
Done x Undone,
Here x There,
Lost x Found,
Lose x Find,
Minimize x Maximize,
Simple x Complex,
Hard x Easy,
Hard x Soft,
Traditional x Modern,
Take x Give,
Taken x Given,
Off x On,
Active x Inactive,
Happy x Unhappy,
Smile x Frown,
Wonderful x Rubbish,
Great x Crap,
High x Low,
Large x Small,
Thick x Thin,
Same x Different,
Light x Dark,
Light x Heavy,
Full x Empty,
Beautiful x Average,
Warm x Cool,
Many x Few,
Short x Long,
Last x First,
Above x Below,
Ahead x Behind,
In x Out,
Happy x Unhappy,
Fast x Slow,
Easy x Difficult,
Wet x Dry,
Smooth x Rough,
Tight x Loose,
Far x Near,
Young x Old,
Weak x Strong,
Left x Right,
Right x Wrong,
Up x Down,
Under x Over,
Poor x Rich,
Never x Always,
Unfair x Fair,
Unfairly x Fairly,
Common x Rare,
Often x Rarely,
Late x Early,
Dull x Bright,
Close x Open,
Shallow x Deep,
Quiet x Loud,
A bit x A lot,
Tight x Loose,
Nowhere x Everywhere,
Yesterday x Today/Tomorrow,
Less x More,
Enemy x Friend,
War x Peace,
Mean x Nice,
Dirty x Clean,
Disagree x Agree,
Displeased x Pleased,
Tired x Energetic,
Boring x Interesting,
Inside x Outside,
Now x Later,
Inside x Outside,
Now x Later,
Last x First,
Backward x Forward,

Tea x Coffee  

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