
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Commonly-used English Slang

Commonly-used English Slang

Bloody= Damn
Give You A Bell = Call you
Blimey! = My Goodness
Wanker = Idiot
Chuffed = Proud
Fancy = Like
Sod Off = Piss off
Lost the Plot = Gone Crazy
Fortnight = Two Weeks
Sorted = Arranged
Hoover = Vacuum
Kip = Sleep or nap
Bee’s Knees = Awesome
Know Your Onions = Knowledgeable
Dodgy = Suspicious
Wonky = Not right
Wicked = Cool!
Whinge = Whine
Tad = Little bit
Skive = Lazy or avoid doing something
Toff = Upper Class Person
Punter = Customer/Prostitute’s Client
Loo = Toilet
Nicked = Stolen
Nutter = Crazy Person
Knackered = Tired
Gobsmacked = Amazed
Dog’s Bollocks = Awesome
Chap = Male or friend
Bugger = Jerk
Bog Roll = Toilet Paper
Bob’s Your Uncle = There you go!
Absobloodylootely = YES!
Nosh = Food
One Off = One time only
Shambles = Mess
Brilliant! = Great!
Made Redundant = Fired from a job
Easy Peasy = Easy
Up the Duff = Pregnant
DIY = Do It Yourself home improvements
Chat Up = Flirt
Fit = Hot
The Telly = Television
Chips = French Fries
Do = Party
Uni = College/University
Starkers = Naked
Bits ‘n Bobs = Various things
I’m Off to Bedfordshire = Going to bed
Her Majesty’s Pleasure = To be in prison
Horses for Courses = Won’t work for someone else
Plastered = Drunk
Knob Head = Idiot/Dickhead
Chav = White trash
It`s monkeys outside = it is very cold
Stag Night = Bachelor Party
Ace = Cool!
Plonker = Idiot
Blighty = Britain

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