
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Sadness why?!!! If you wanna be happy, then you gotta be happy.

Sadness why?!!!

If you wanna be happy, then you gotta be happy.

Happiness creates happiness

In this article, I will show you the way to happiness

Sometimes we get sad, or even start crying, and don’t have a clue why.

This can help with:

·       What is the reason of sadness?
·       Why are you feeling crap?
Feeling sad is something that everyone experiences, but it’s not exactly a fun experience, so working out how to overcome a sad feeling is a great idea. While it could pass on its own, it doesn’t always, and feeling sad for an extended period of time isn’t great for your emotional health.

How to work out why you’re sad

Things to help you to identify the reason that may be contributing to your sadness:
·       Going through something stressful
·       Experiencing grief or loss
·       Arguing with someone
·       Problems at work
·       Being bored
·       Being ill
To see things clearer, write down everything that makes you sad.
Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, exercising and eating well.
Don’t get caught in a rut; get out of it if you are. Explore. Play. Go beyond your comfort zone. Don’t lean on the excuse “I don’t have time to try new things.” It is as tragic and ridiculous as saying “I don’t have time to breathe.” New experiences are life. Live deeply.
Recognize and clear through the guilt, anger, fear and other emotions that are sabotaging you. What are your dreams? Your goals? Your loves? Who are you? Be that person.
The past is good for two things: the happy memories, and the lessons it provides. Clinging to resentment and sadness for past events hurts one person the most: you. Don’t let the past suck the gift of the present out of you. Forgive. Let go. Be here now, and go forward.
Negativity only breeds more negativity. Empathize, and choose to be kind. It spreads rapidly.

Whatever happens, however promising or tragic, only one person is responsible for how you respond to it: you. There are no greater wastes of energy and potential than blame, envy, a desire for revenge, and wallowing in self-pity. You and only you are responsible for how you respond to anything and how you act. You wish others were a certain way? You wish the world were a certain way? Be the example.

If you are alive, you are fortunate. If you can read this, you are fortunate. If you can walk, talk, see, smell, taste, or feel, or all of these, you are fortunate. You are what you focus on, so if you focus on what you lack, you become that lack. Focus on all that you do have, on the gifts inside and all around you. Be grateful to be great.
What is your flame? What ignites you, inspires you, enlightens you, restores your life? Do it, and do it often. Do not believe your excuse of having too much work to do and too little time for what inspires you. Doing what inspires you is the very fuel that will give you the strength and motivation to do the other things you need to do, and do them well.
Forget about money. Don't fret about youth. Acting happy is likely to make you happy.
Those who agree that "with enough faith, you can do almost anything" and that "when I undertake something new, I expect to succeed" may be a bit bubble-headed. But, for seeing the glass of life as half-full rather than half-empty, they are usually happier.
Optimists enjoy greater success. Rather than see setbacks as signs of their incompetence, they view them as flukes or as suggesting the need for a new approach.
The recipe for well-being, then, requires neither positive nor negative thinking alone, but a mix of ample optimism to provide hope, a dash of pessimism to prevent complacency, and enough realism to discriminate those things we can control from those we cannot.
The real secret to happiness:

Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest

Remembrance of Allah is His paradise on earth, and whoever does not enter it will not enter the Paradise of the Hereafter. Remembrance is not only a safe haven from the problems and worries of this world, but it is also the short and easy path to achieving ultimate success.
 When you remember Allah, clouds of worry and fear are driven away, and the mountains that make up your problems are blown away.

We should not be surprised when we hear that people who remember Allah are at peace. What is truly surprising is how the negligent and unmindful survive without remembering Him.

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