
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Busy your mind with Allah

Busy your mind with Allah
Busy your mind with Allah to have a clear mind free of all distracting thoughts and nasty ideas.
Say secretly in your mind, “All praise and thanks be to Allah”.
When a bad thought comes, fight it!  By saying,  “All praise and thanks be to Allah”. And when a good thought comes, act upon it or at least write it down!

Busying your mind with Allah is a key part of being productive, is about focusing your mind on what’s beneficial and de-cluttering it from unproductive thoughts. If we can record our inner thoughts and replay them to ourselves each day, we’ll be shocked at how much junk there is and how much brainpower we waste on futile things that are neither benefit or harm to us.
These thoughts can be in the form of replaying old “movies” in our heads of things that happened to us in our past or (going to some extreme) future dreams that are never attainable nor part of reality, or keeping thoughts which we’re not happy to reveal to anyone, even having doubts back-biting about people which we needn’t have… all these thoughts need to purged if we want to relieve ourselves and de-clutter our minds.
How do you know if you have so much clutter? Notice your actions and speech. If you recognize them to be very focused, very productive, very thoughtful, and containing less gossip, then your mind is probably more de-cluttered than others! If not, and you see yourself all over the place and your tongue out of control, then your mind surely needs a cleanup exercise.
Unfortunately, we pay little attention to our thoughts and what goes on inside our mind, even though it’s crucial to our health, productivity and ultimately how we behave as human beings.

Knowing Allah is Your Guide

Why busying your mind with Allah? Because it will give you a constant, incredible, and personally special relationship with The Creator, with The Sustainer, with The One Who has power over all things.

You want the best of both worlds? It’s through busying your mind with Allah. It’s through memorizing, understanding, loving and most importantly, living it. When one is sincere about busying their mind with Allah, one needs to be completely aware of the heavy responsibility and glorified honor of living as Allah’s servant and carrying His words in their hearts. This must translate into their actions. The key: Sincerity.
By busying your mind with Allah, best things will happen to you in your entire life.

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