
Sunday, February 5, 2017

the secret weapons that turn failure to success

1-Breathe deeply and let go off any stress
2-Do not worry.
3-Think happy thoughts and there will be positive feelings. 
4-Think about the present only. 
5-Use your mind not only your heart. 

6-Take a deep breath and try to relax. 

6-Set goals.

7-Ask yourself, “If I could change anything in my life what would it be?” 

8-You need to learn the skill of keeping that fire going inside you. 

9-Remember – journey starts with the first step.

10-You will need to give up some things or at least postpone them for later.

There are many distractions getting on your way.
How to get rid of these distractions?
You have to believe that you will succeed all along.

Celebrate those small victories.

Without a roadmap success is impossible.

It takes time for the emotions to heal.

Every successful person failed at least once.

Successful people seek out knowledge and never believe that they know everything.

By emotionally living in the past, we distract ourselves from discovering and giving voice to our deepest, most inspirational desires.

Free Your Imagination.
Inspire Your Dream With Action.
Do Something Every Day.
Review past successful roles.

Accepting failure is the first step to becoming successful.
Failures often create the most important opportunities we are offered
If you fail, move on. It may be hard sometimes to put our past behind us, but it is a key to success.
If you don’t see something positive about your situation right away, focus on finding it.
Forget about how other people view you.
Allow each failure to serve as an opportunity
Learn to love finding out that you're wrong about something.
Perfectionism causes us to fear failure.
All you need is to give yourself the go-ahead to keep trying.
If you're really frustrated and angry, channel these emotions to motivate you to start again.
It takes time for the emotions to heal.
Treat each failure as a gift of learning what not to do in the future.
Focus on staying positive in every situation.
3-Kill poverty and be a Millionaire
The key to great wealth
1-The Cosmic Meditation for 35 days
2-The absolute Belief in Allah for 35 days before you sleep
3-The Love and Gratitude to Allah using your heart and your mind during the day for 7 days + using the wealth meditation.
While prostrating say each of the following 7 times:
1-(There is no god, except Allah, the Ruler, the Real, the Manifest)
2-"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from all worry and grief. I seek refuge in You from
incapacity and slackness. I seek refuge in You from cowardice
and I seek refuge in You from being overcome by debt and being subjected to men".
3-O Allah, I beseech You for sustenance – abundant, good and lawful-from the “sustenance” You own.
4-Glory be to You, (my) master, the ever living, the self-subsisting, for whom there is no end.
5-O Allah, the Lord of seven (or several) heavens and the Lord of the arash (the seat of divine authority) repay our debts and free us from poverty.
6-O Allah, (You alone) administer my affairs. Do not let me depend on any other for the direction of my affairs.
7-O Lord of the worlds.
8-O Owner of splendour and generosity.
9-O He who decides definitely regarding wants and needs.
10-O the most merciful of all the merciful.
11-O the everliving, the self-subsisting.
12-There is no god save You, the true and manifest sovereign
13-Allah is benign to His servants. He gives sustenance to whomsoever He wills. He is strong, all-mighty.
14-Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O everliving, O self-subsisting, O owner of splendour and generosity, I beseech You in the name of Your great
“mercy” to give me sustenance, in abundance, lawful and pure by Your mercy, O the most merciful.
15- “O Allah, master of the kingdom, You give kingdom to whom You like, and You take away the kingdom from whom You like. You exalt whom You like and abase whom You like; in Your hand is the good; verily You have power over all things. You cause the night to pass into the day, and You cause the day to pass into the night; You bring forth the dead from the living and You give sustenance to whom You like, without measure.
16-O (my) Lord, forgive me, and give me such a dominion as no one after me shall have the like. Verily, You are the great bestower.
17-I seek forgiveness from Allah, who is: “There is no god save He, the beneficent, the merciful, the everliving, the self-subsisting, the creator of the heavens and the earth”, from all the offences, injustices and transgressions (I committed to destroy my self)’ and I turn repentant unto Him.
18-O Allah, I beseech You for excellent livelihood;
please) do not cause me to be distracted from thanking Your graces
19-There is neither might nor power except with Allah.
20-I put my trust in the Ever-living (Lord) Who never dies.
21-O Allah, send forth on me the bails of Your sustenance in abundance,
21-O Allah, give me from Your wide Grace, and the permissible and the pure, a sustenance that is permissible and pure, sufficient for the world and the Hereafter 
You can easily clear your mind and soul from nasty thoughts but you have to do it with an open heart, open mind and a spirit filled with hope.
Feed your mind and soul with positive words, positive people and positive things.
You must always have knowledge.
Choose to be rich.
To be rich, you have to do those things which rich people do to get rich.
Start a business part-time.
Change the characteristic of your expenses.
Do your best.
Be more enthusiastic
Do what you excel at
 Ask mentors.
Take full control to design and build the life.
Live your life on your own terms.
Focus on doing more for less money.
Creativity is a necessary talent if you want to be a BIGG success today.
Keep going until you have trouble say no.
You can focus on the few ideas that are truly gems.
The idea should not only be strong, but it must be correct also.
Thinking without art would mean that any idea that can come at any time: It may be thought useless or a wrong idea.
To bring the mind to the source of the idea, the seed of the idea should capture the consciousness.
  The mind brings with it the seed of the idea of an unlimited power for the life of the transcendental field of Being by “No god but Allah Meditation”
The mind can rise to cosmic consciousness by the cosmic meditation.
It is essential that the individual is well trained in the art of thinking.
The art of life allows  a person to live a full life  of values, and allow him to accomplish the maximum in the world, and at the same time, live a life of freedom in the consciousness of the eternal God.
When you complete all aspects of the absolute power of “No god but Allah Meditation” , you will be full, and your thought will become deep and sharp.
Thus, we conclude that the art of life requires that the mind is in constant communication with the absolute belief in Allah life.
We mean full capacity well coordinated with the divine energy levels of the material to human life, which is the entry of the full capability of the mind and perfect health, the value of life and the sanctity of life that permeates the daily material for humans.
Meditation, which opens each divinity in man and bring human consciousness to rank high awareness of God. It brings life to the state of eternal freedom.
Take full advantage of the surrounding environment
It is necessary to purify your conscience and be compassionate and loyal in your behavior.
In order to make full use of both types of the surrounding environment, we adopt the basic principle; It's the principle of giving.
The secret of success in winning is The effect of the preferred natural laws.
Be strong in mind and have clear thinking.
The art of behavior brings satisfaction.
The problem of health is the most pressing problem in life. Everything depends on health.
Mental health depends on the mental state, which is obviously just a factor, and on the state of the nervous system,
Constant activity leads to erosion and damage to the body's mechanism. The rest is the means to prevent this process from destruction.
After practicing
1-Cosmic Meditation
2-“No god but Allah” Meditation
3-Gratitude to Allah Meditation
4-Loving Allah Meditation
5-Happiness Meditation
6-Success Meditation
7-Wealth Meditation
Put in your mind the following:
1-Do something you enjoy.
2-Save an adequate portion of that income.
3- Be sure that Allah looks at your heart and your deeds.
1-   You need to believe in God and you will be saved.
Forgetting God is the start of failure.
Turn to God and ask for help.
Being with God gives you inspiration and courage.
You should have a peace of mind.
Remember that God alone has been in perfect peace.
2-   The calm person, one who loves peace is not only calm himself, but tries to make others calm too and to spread peace around him.
Highlight the skills you possess.
3-   Dye your feelings white and have an optimistic outlook.
You should practise how to present yourself efficiently and professionally.
4-   Think before you act and weigh your words before you say.

Relax. A few simple techniques can help calm frayed nerves.
1-   Visualization is a relaxation technique in which you create a mental image of a stressful or challenging situation.
2-   Practise succeeding in your imagination, and soon you will be doing it in reality.
Identify yourself as an active force.
1-   Positive thinking is to have enough self-confidence and self-esteem.
2-   Self-confidence and self-help will enable you to view things in a way that is constructive, fulfilling and hopeful.
3-   Make it a habit to encourage yourself to get things done or to get out of gloomy situations.
4-   If there is something that you do not like whether about yourself or a certain situation, try to change it the best way you know how.
5-   Accepting fate in a positive, optimistic and constructive way is the key to success.
6-   Sharpen your sense of responsibility and determination.
7-   Tame your anger or any negative vibes that you may have. 
Losing your temper triggers rash actions and violence, and often it is too late to change the consequences that may result from such fits.
8-   When you make it regular habit to complain and let out negative views and pessimism, you will only bring yourself down and drive people away from you.
9-   Pessimism is a deadly enemy that defeats your hopes and aspirations.
10-   Make time for whatever makes you happy and give you a sense of meaning.
11-   Activities like walking, cycling, jogging, and swimming offer you natural painkillers and a natural mood-lift.
12-   Busy your mind with Allah to have a clear mind free of all distracting thoughts and nasty ideas.

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