
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Do you know how far a dog’s loyalty will go?

Do you know how far a dog’s loyalty will go? 

If you’re a dog owner yourself, you may find yourself wanting to hug them today, after you read about these amazing signs of loyalty and fidelity these dogs show to their owners, friends, and fellow dogs.

When I think of loyalty, I think of man’s best friend… the dog. Everyone ought to get one just to experience that kind of devotion. I mean, who or what, can compare to the unconditional love and admiration received from those tail-wagging, drool-dripping, adorable canines?
I used to have a dog growing up, and there was never a day when I didn’t feel his loyalty, a character trait, sadly enough, many people never get to experience.
If I had to describe it, I’d say my dog is loving, obedient, trustworthy, forgiving, protective and very good listeners; and let me just add, being on the ‘receiving end’ of all that loyalty felt really good!
From dogs we learn
Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love
Loyalty is essential to every relationship we have in life that matters – friendship, family, community, country, faith. The loyal person acts for and stays with and remains committed even when loyalty can be personally disadvantageous or costly for the loyal person to do so.
Loyalty means unswerving allegiance in what you do. It is in your mind and heart. Loyalty can be demanding and involve sacrifice. Loyalty is a form of LOVE. It is directed to another person or cause.
Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause. Philosophers disagree as to what things one can be loyal to. Some argue that one can be loyal to a broad range of things, whilst others argue that it is only possible for loyalty to be to another person and that it is strictly interpersonal.
You can buy a person’s time; you can buy their physical presence at a given place; you can even buy a measured number of their skilled muscular motions per hour. But you cannot buy enthusiasm… you cannot buy loyalty. You cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, or souls. You must earn these.
Loyalty plays an important role in my life in regards to my family, friends and business. I actually am probably a push over in some instances because I will still be loyal even if people aren’t loyal in return.

It takes me a few times before I start to disconnect the ties. To me loyalty and sincerity go hand in hand. It has to come from my heart and that’s why I’m so passionate about my coaching. I know the pain my students are going through because I have lived through it myself.

It’s in my heart to be loyal to them because society throws so many quick fix ideas out there. If we all could be as loyal as my dog Recto, it would be such an amazing world. I decided to marry a woman who is like my dog in his loyalty. 

We've all heard the phrase: Really, the dog is man's best friend. But just how far will your furry friends go to show how much they care? We have rounded up some of the most tear-jerking stories of loyalty and friendship, as dogs around the world go above and beyond to demonstrate their love for their human companions.

Jack was a black retriever. One day, Jack saw a small boy drowning in the river and ran in, pulling the boy to shore by the scruff of his neck. There was no one around to see it, and had circumstances been different, the boy would probably have spent the rest of his life telling the story to people who would never believe him. But Jack wasn’t done. Within a few weeks, Jack rescued another swimmer, this time with witnesses in attendance. And then another. And another. And so on. Over the course of the next decade, Jack was reported to have saved at least 27 people from the most dangerous river and docks in Wales.

For his efforts over the course of his lifetime, Jack was given a silver collar by Swansea council, the Bravest Dog of the Year Award, a silver cup from the Mayor of London, and his very own statue.

Fido was born in Italy sometime during World War II. He was found on the verge of death by a kiln worker who took him home and nursed him back to health. And for this, he’d have Fido’s unwavering loyalty for the rest of his life. Every day, Fido waited for his master at the same bus stop, refusing to move until he stepped off the bus—and this at a time when Italy was being bombed almost daily. But one day, Fido’s master didn’t return. He’d been killed in an air raid while at work. Fido, ever vigilant, still turned up to wait for him. Every day. For 14 years.
His tale spread across Italy until Fido became a constant source of media attention, both during the war and long after it ended.

In a truly heartwarming story, a four year old Golden Retriever was credited with saving a paralyzed man who got his wheelchair stuck in the middle of a muddy field. When Gareth Jones found himself unable to move, the former soldier's service dog was ready to answer the call, dutifully pulling the rope Jones threw to him until the wheelchair was pulled free.
Said Jones, "He didn't let go until I was clear. He knew exactly what he was doing."

Shelby became the 45th Skippy Dog Hero of the Year for saved two adults and two children from carbon monoxide poisoning. The dog (with her keen sense of smell) was the first to detect the rising C0 levels while the rest of the family was asleep, nudging each of them out of their sleep and refused to stop barking, scratching, and whining until the family was safely outside. Luckily, each family member was treated at a nearby hospital and made a full recovery.
"In my eyes, and in the eyes of my family, Shelby is more than a hero; she is a lifesaver, a guardian angel," said Joleen Walderbach.

Nellie, a 4 year old black lab, used her high powered ears to detect an intruder in time to save her severely deaf owner, it would've been a crime to give the Heroic Hearing Dog of the Year award to anyone else! The charity that trained Nellie couldn't have been more proud.
 Loyalty creates the power of Love and withstands the shocks of adversity.

1 comment:

  1. You can buy a person’s time; you can buy their physical presence at a given place; you can even buy a measured number of their skilled muscular motions per hour. But you cannot buy enthusiasm… you cannot buy loyalty. You cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, or souls. You must earn these.
