
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Drawing and Painting as a hobby

Drawing and Painting

Painting and Drawing is a great hobby to start because it is fast and easy. All you need to buy is a canvas, some basic paint colors, and some paintbrushes and you can start in your own home.

Taking up painting/drawing as hobbies is one way to unleash the Picasso, the Da Vinci or the Rembrandt in you.

Apart from discovering your talent, painting and drawing are a wonderful way to relax. By enrolling in an art course you will be amazed at how rapidly you can polish your talent with a teacher’s guidance.

Art is something that is possible to learn and you will have the chance to explore different media to use, like a pencil, ink and charcoal. Once you get a feel of this, you can decide to use the one you are comfortable with.

In your art class you will probably begin to draw or sketch objects or live models. Some people prefer painting classes where the importance of colour, texture, line and form is emphasised.
Most people tend to come up with their own special style of drawing and painting while some stick to the traditional landscapes.

It is okay to stumble during the learning process and end up using the eraser a lot. But as you practice and become better, you will be proud to produce that masterpiece that will take up a pride of place in your living room.

To be good at painting, drawing skills are essential. Some people have a problem with painting when they do not know how to draw.

One great way to practice is to constantly sketch as you look around you. Your drawing teacher will teach you the basic forms, based on which you can practice.

Some simple examples of what you can draw to get a good perspective is your own room, the things around you, children playing in a garden, your pet, the view from your window, and so on.
You can try different types of sketching – you could make outlines or you could focus on shading and lighting.

If you intend to paint as well as draw, then you should know that painters have a different approach when it comes to drawing. They have a way of converting what they see onto their easel.

Perspective is a vital aspect of drawing as it enables you to take a three-dimensional realistic approach making your drawings look life-like. If you notice, the same object appears to be of different sizes depending on the distance you view it from. Therefore, if you want to master perspective, you must be aware of the space, the distance and the size in relation to distance.

Perspective lets you give your drawing or sketch a three dimensional effect on a two-dimensional surface. Your perspective will be angular and parallel to enable you produce depth in your drawing. The whole process can be a lot of fun. Perspective is especially important when it comes to drawing landscapes and seascapes.


Experts recommend that for a beginner, oil painting is the best way to get started. One of the reasons for this is you can make any changes quickly.
If there are strokes of color that are not required, you can always scrape them off without damaging the canvas. Also, you can superimpose on color on the other.

It is a wonderful way to experiment with various aspects of drawing like light, shade, proportion, etc. You can take a break and get back to your painting anytime to continue with it. Another thing about oils is that it looks genuine, revealing the brush strokes and the genius of the artist.

You can closely observe the subtle uses of color and learn the basic principles that will help you when you experiment with other media. Of course there is a lot more to an oil painting that you will learn after you get familiar with the basics.

What Will You Learn When You Learn Painting?
You will learn about the kind of oil painting colors that are best to use, different qualities of oil paints, how to select and arrange your oil colors palette, how to choose your brushes and how to take care of them. You will also learn proper care of your equipment, in addition to tips, tricks and techniques.
You will learn about canvas as a medium, how to choose it, stretch it and make it ready.


Easels can be studio or outdoor easels and come with the facility to tilt them to avoid glare on the canvas fixed to them. Sketching easels that are used outdoors are available as portable folding units. You will also need a paint box, a sketching stool unless you plan to stand and draw.

Palette Knives
These are required for scraping off paint from your palette or canvas in case you need to. You can also use them to mix colors.

Painting Medium
You will need a painting medium that you can make at home if you wish that will assist you in varying your paint for different effects and finishes.

Varnish For Retouching
This helps you retouch dull parts of the painting.

Pencils, Charcoal
You get good soft charcoal pencils that you can use to make your sketches.
 You will need cups to hold your medium and one to hold the turpentine to clean your brush.
You will also need rags to wipe your palette and brushes.
You will learn various drawing and painting techniques and styles. As you progress, you can even think of showing your work in a gallery.

Sell Your Drawings as Vector Artwork

How do you make this happen? First, you have to vectorize your drawings, which sounds a lot harder than it actually is. You can do this in a variety of different ways, from using an app on your smartphone that converts a picture into a vector (Adobe Capture CC does this, for example), or scanning your work and then pulling that into a vector-based program such as Adobe Illustrator, and then tracing out your work. There are over 4,000+ hand drawn products on Creative Market alone, which gives you an idea of the size of the market. One shop, WINS, doodles everything from house plants to festive party favours.

1 comment:

  1. You will learn about the kind of oil painting colors that are best to use, different qualities of oil paints, how to select and arrange your oil colors palette, how to choose your brushes and how to take care of them.
