
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Do you want to become a better person?

Improve your life
Ultimately you’re trying to improve your life. You want more zest, more peace of mind and more fullness. In the strictest sense you want to become a better person. You want to wake up in the morning excited, jumping out of bed with a thirst for life that you haven’t felt since you were a child.
Your purpose can be the driving force of this. Your purpose can be your connection to something larger, something that will allow you to make your mark on the world, to truly make a difference. Still, your WHY might be different. Before we even leave solid ground you need this as your anchor, just in case things get a little foggy. To find it just answer this question:
Why do you want to find your purpose in life?
Write down or remember whatever comes up. It might be some of the above reasons or it might be something entirely different. Whatever it is cherish it, nothing is too far left field.

The tools for your journey

Before any great adventure, you want to make sure your tools and supplies are in working order. For this quest the tools are simple: You’ll need a pen and piece of paper, a working memory, and the drive to uncover what you set out to find.

That’s it—you’re ready to set off. Before we go, there are a few things you’ll need to embrace beforehand. Think of these items as the underlying code of conduct for your journey.
1. I welcome the hard work and tiresome effort it will take to unearth my life’s great work.
2. I know my purpose might not be directly obvious, but I will put in the time to find it.
3. I believe finding my purpose is entirely possible.
4. I know that finding my life’s purpose may lead to some drastic (positive) changes.
5. I know that finding my life’s purpose will leave me with the power to shape my own destiny.
Once you’ve let the above affirmations settle, you’re ready to free your ship from the dock and set sail.
Your tools are sharpened and your mind is prepped: congratulations! You’ve come farther than most people ever do.
Are you still trying to figure out how to live life to the fullest? If so, you’re far from alone. The sad thing is that most people go through life having never really experienced what life has to offer.  Just: Focus on your inner beauty and embrace yourself as you are. Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed, they create our courage and wisdom.

What is the Meaning of Life?
This earthly world is a place of spiritual training for the soul and spiritual development is the purpose and meaning of human life. God created the Great Cosmos with the objectives of “progress” and “harmony,” and these are the guidelines for the evolution of the human soul. God has created this world and the Spirit World (Real World) so that we can cultivate infinite experience and walk ever closer to God.
Life on this Earth is not necessarily filled with good experiences, but before you were born, you all knew this.

The mind

Humans are spiritual beings and the mind is our essence. We are undergoing spiritual training to polish our mind and return to the Spirit World with a higher state of mind and level of awareness. Everything is subject to the cause of law and effect so when we change our thoughts and our state of mind, our human relationships, health and financial circumstances change too. The causes of pain and suffering do not lie with others or the outside world but are actually created by us. Therefore, we need to reflect on our thoughts and deeds and correct them through our own effort.
In order to make the life improvements, follow these:
1-The best way to get things done is to decide you're going to do a goal (and then to write it down and tell people about it). Make goals, but keep them small.
2- Start a budget. The benefit of a budget is that you can see what you can set aside and start working toward something rewarding.  
3-Time is Gold. We should not waste it. We can never get it back. Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish. You can prioritize them.
4- Once you leave work, don't spend the night thinking about it. Leave everything where it is.
5- Write a list of things you're grateful for. Gratitude does have value. Thank God in your secrets.
6- If there's something you're interested in, go all out! When you master something, you have something to be proud of. Something you understand and love.
7- Coming face-to-face with reality is a scary prospect, but in order to find what makes you happy, it must be done.
8- Take a look at your relationships. As much as we hate to admit it, plenty of us would rather be with someone who makes us miserable than sleep alone. Look at your friends and relatives. Is there someone in your life who shouldn't be? Why are you keeping them around?
9- Jobs don't often fall on doorsteps anymore! Start searching. There's no harm in it.
Know where you fall on the spectrum before any conclusions are jumped to.
10- If you're not happy in your current situation, you could always move.
11- Pray and Meditate. You know all that chaos in your head! The Chaos is the running thoughts, the worries and the pointless mental wanderings.  Pray and Meditation, even just 10 to 15 minutes a day, can help clear your mind and focus your energy.
A little meditation can get rid of all that noise and pressure that we all have in the day-to-day. Don't knock it till you've tried it -- you could be surprised by just how effective it is for you!
12- Keep your diet easy.
13- Start thinking positive. When you can picture who you want to be, acting like that person.
14- When we're caught up in our insecurities and flaws, it's hard for life to be any good. It's hard to get any enjoyment out of it at all, really. When we feel confident, even if it's for a minute, nothing can really bring us down. It's a tough nut to crack, but once you do, you won't be able to go back.

1 comment:

  1. You know all that chaos in your head! The Chaos is the running thoughts, the worries and the pointless mental wanderings. Pray and Meditation, even just 10 to 15 minutes a day, can help clear your mind and focus your energy.
