
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Writing poetry as a hobby

Writing poetry

Writing poetry can be a very beautiful hobby. Becoming a master of your words and becoming a great poet takes time and practice.
When looking at poetry, there are many forms that a writer can use to model his poetry around. These forms vary from one form to another in many different ways. Each form has its own set of rules from a rambling sonnet to a short and precise haiku. They each present a different outlook on how one chooses to express his ideas.

The generally accepted names for some of the most commonly used kinds of feet include:
- iamb – one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
- trochee – one stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable
- dactyl – one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables
- anapest – two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable
- spondee – two stressed syllables together

The number of metrical feet in a line is described in Greek terminology as follows:
- dimeter – two feet
- trimeter – three feet
- tetrameter – four feet
- pentameter – five feet
- hexameter – six feet
- heptameter – seven feet
- octameter – eight feet

Assonance: the use of the same vowel sound with different consonants or the same consonant with different vowels in successive words or stressed syllables, as in a line of verse. i.e. mystery- mastery
Alliteration: two or more words in succession beginning with the same sound. i.e. Precariously perched pigeon.
Consonance: the use of the repetition of consonants or consonant patterns as a rhyming device. i.e. came, home, time.
Onomatopoeia: The formation of a word which is also a sound, such as BOOM!
Rhyme: Identical sound in some part of a word, i.e. cat-hat.

Symbolism: The practice of representing things through symbols. The raven in Poe’s The Raven is a symbol.
One should consider the rhythm and meter of the poem they are writing. As well as whether you wish for there to be a rhyming scheme involved. Many different terms are used in English language that can help a person when they are creating a new work of poetry. If you want to improve the text when you write poetry then you should familiarize yourself with some of the terms. At the very least, you will increase your knowledge and vocabulary of literature.

Put these in your mind:

The great thing about writing poetry is that it is completely yours- a poet’s success in not deposited in the bank account. It is in the ability to create something that has the ability to speak to the reader. The poet may choose the subject and frame the poem to the content.
Poetry is a way of free expression. It allows the author to put his ideas in a form that comes with a sense of order and rhythm. People will remember an image long after they’ve forgotten why it was there. In it, there is a sense of refinement to what may before have just been an idea. It leaves one with a sense of beauty and reason.
Decide on the subject you wish to write about. Start with a familiar subject and then go on to some obscure subjects to which you have previously never given much thought.
Think about something special or unique to the subject.
List some descriptive words that may provide some clear information to the reader
Try to create pictures in the reader`s mind - your aim is to fire the imagination
Express your feelings
Convey your feelings by the tone of your poetry
Bind the words and ideas together. Connect them by the use of rhyme that will provide your poetry with the element of repetition of identical or related sounds.

Get some rhythm into your poetry - the number of lines and your choice of poetry form will help you with this.
Visual patterns - does your written poetry create a good pattern on the page?
Patterns of Sound - using alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia can create sound effects.

To sum up
Writing poetry as a hobby should be a process of love that stems from some sort of creativity. If you are having trouble being inspired, get up and experience life.

The best poetry is written about something one has true feelings about whether good or bad. Write about what you are feeling at that moment. Be different.

Try writing about something abstract such as hope or the feeling of failure. Describe the things around you in a new and inventive way.

 It`s best to tackle a subject that hasn`t already been explored, but since poetry has been around a very long time, this may be difficult. So, instead try looking at a tried and true concept in a new and exciting way.

Do not try to conform your poetry to the likes of what has been written before you. It has been written previously. It has already been done and been completed. Do things your own way. Poetry is about how you feel, not how others think you should feel. It is a chance to allow you to think about things in a way different from the ordinary.

1 comment:

  1. The best poetry is written about something one has true feelings about whether good or bad. Write about what you are feeling at that moment. Be different.

    Try writing about something abstract such as hope or the feeling of failure. Describe the things around you in a new and inventive way.
