
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Teaching English as a hobby....(Are you a genius?)

Materials: Worksheet 2
Dynamic: Whole class
Time: 20 minutes
Procedure: 1. Distribute one copy of the worksheet to each student. Tell students to circulate, asking the questions on the worksheet.
Example: On the worksheet: is afraid of spider
Student A: Are you afraid of ghosts?
Student B: Yes, I am.

2. When the questioning student gets a yes answer, he/she fills in the answerer’s name. If the answerer answers no, the questioning student continues until he/she finds someone who answers yes.

3. When a student completes the worksheet, he/she sits down, but still answers other students’ questions. Not all students may be able to complete every entry. If they have asked all their classmates a question and no one has said yes, they can also sit down.

4. Go over as many of the questions/answers as time allows.
NOTE: You can limit answers to only one yes answer per student.
This avoids students pairing up and talking to only one or two other students. Or you may allow students to write a classmate’s name as many times as that student answers yes.

Materials: Strips with answers (Worksheet 3)
Dynamic: Pairs/Small groups
Time: 20 minutes
Procedure: 1. Divide the class into pairs or groups of three or four.

2. Give each group several strips with short answers on them. Have the students work together to write questions for the answers.

3. The members of each group can take turns reading their questions and answers aloud, or one student can read for the group. The rest of the class judges whether the questions are appropriate for their answers.

Materials: None
Dynamic: Pairs/Small groups
Time: 30 minutes
Procedure: 1. Divide the class into pairs or groups of three or four. There should be an even number of groups if possible.

2. Each group writes five short answers on a piece of paper, exchanges answer papers with another group, and writes appropriate questions for the other group’s answers.

Group 1: Yes, I do. Group 2: Do you walk to school?
No, he wasn’t. Was Adel late for class?
No, you aren’t. Am I from France?
Yes, they did. Did they leave at 12:00?
No, she didn’t. Did Nada lend you her car?
3. Put the two groups together and have them return the answer papers. The group who wrote the answers checks that the questions are appropriate.

NOTE: This activity can be adapted to a higher level by using different tenses, such as a mixture of perfect tenses.
SUGGESTION: Before dividing your class into pairs, tell them what tense to use or, for the higher-level class, if the activity is intended to be a verb review.


Materials: Worksheet 4 (optional)
Dynamic: Pairs
Time: 30–45 minutes
Procedure: 1. Divide the class into pairs. Assign each pair a different topic to discuss. Partner A asks the questions; partner B provides his/her own answers. Partner A can use the worksheet questions as a guideline, but encourage students to think of other, more specific questions. For low-level students, you may want to provide answers for partner B or have the partners work together to create answers. Higher-level students can use the worksheet as a guide and then develop their own questions based on the situation.

SUGGESTED TOPICS: mall information, desk airline information, ticket booth, county fair information, office bus information, college information, line library, hospital information desk, local tourist attraction

2. Have the students practice their questions and answers several times. They will do a telephone role played for the class, so they should be familiar with the questions and answers. Circulate, helping the pairs with their grammar and checking their answers.

3. The partners take turns presenting their role played to the rest of the class.

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