
Monday, November 21, 2016

Do you want your baby to be the super genius and really smart?

Do you want your baby to be the super genius and really smart?Do you want to prepare your child for tomorrow’s world and to make him or her astound the globe?
By Sayed Abuelmagd
Do you want your baby to be a gifted genius child?
Would you like to know how?
What makes a child grow into a brilliant adult?
Jump-start the baby’s brainpower from the very beginning to make him or her astound the globe.
Congratulations on becoming a parent! Welcome to this awesome, hilarious, challenging, easy-to-read, homey guide.
What makes a child grow into a brilliant adult? Here's how to recognize the genius in your child.
This easy-to-read, homey guide is packed with creative ideas that should have parents thumbing through its chapters on a regular basis. This is a book written for all parents. And while some tips are repetitive, many are clever.
This is an AMAZING book for anyone who needs to know more about children, how they learn, think, and process the world around them. Every parent and teacher should read this book and use it as a reference.
This book serves as a great one-stop shop for good parenting practices and, more importantly, explains why the practices are effective using real world examples and academic researches. This is a great little book and a quick read.
It is written in a warm, engaging style that reads more like a conversation with the reader than a dry treatise on child genius. It provides the reader with multiple ways to help a child develop the essential life skills.
The skills themselves provide an excellent framework to discuss current studies on child development, and it a fresh perspective from traditional approaches to parenting.
You will be excited about the concept of the book. You will find the writing style to be too fluffy for your own personal taste.
The facial expressions illustrated in the book offer a good example to teach kids to identify how others feel.
It helps teach the child to honor their feelings and the feelings of others while working toward a fair solution. A lot of adults could benefit from learning from this book. This book is a great foundation.
You can use it for Classroom Guidance. It's also been fantastic with your toddler! When you have one of those naughty moments, when all is calm again you read the book. You will really enjoy it.
The book is simply worded and straightforward.
What you will not be expecting is getting some insight into why you feel it necessary to have dessert after a meal or why you have some of the anxieties you have.
You will find it easy to read and understand. There are many specific examples of how each technique can be used. You will find examples to be very useful and how to use strategy with different age groups.
This makes it easier to see how each technique can be used with the children in your life.
Integrating the brain makes sense, especially the way it is explained here.
We have a right brain (emotional) and a left brain (logical) and when we use both our lives are more balanced, meaningful, and creative. We also have an upstairs and a downstairs brain.
Downstairs is the more primitive brain, which is intact at birth. The upstairs brain is under construction during childhood and gets remodeled during adolescence.
Upstairs can be overtaken by the downstairs especially during high-emotion situations. When we "lose it", our downstairs has taken over.
There are also different kinds of memories that need to be integrated as well as self and others. In general, this book is about integrating all the different parts of our brain.
Doing so makes it so much easier for us to live happy, productive lives. You will decide to use the strategies explained in this book.
This book will make a big impression on you. It will not be that long when you finish reading it, but you will find yourself quoting from it frequently.
By helping our kids connect left [brain] and right [brain]" - as well as their "upstairs" and "downstairs" brains and implicit and explicit memories - "we give them a better chance of [finding] . . . harmonious flow between the two extremes.
Read this book to make good decisions, to think before acting, and to be empathetic.
If you smile for a while, even if you're sad, you'll start to feel a bit better.
"In high-stress situations, engage your child's upstairs brain, which is where his higher-order thinking takes place.
This guide does not try to be your sassy best friend or your wise grandmother. It is a straightforward how-to guide for common issues parent will face with a typical baby.
God blessed some selected people with extraordinary talent. Some people are gifted with this magical talent since their childhood. They’re the super genius and really smart.  
There have been many child prodigies throughout history, and some of them even go on to be prolific adults.
Most of them have done more intellectually by that time than we’ll do in our entire lifetimes.
Raising children is a little different for each generation. The trials you faced growing up are different from the trials your children now face.

The world is moving at a faster pace each and every day and it’s mind-boggling.

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