
Friday, November 25, 2016

Why can’t we understand the science of the soul?

Why can’t we understand the science of the soul?
This is because we think we are very smart and intelligent. But, we must sit back and think, how far will our smartness and intelligence take us? It may help us in our worldly transactions. After death, where will our intellect go? In what way has it helped us otherwise? It is important to understand not only science, but also the science of the soul.
We must make our internal world as beautiful as we are externally. God recognizes only our inner beauty.
We will know if we are good natured or not in our interactions with the world -- if we are helpful, selfless, we participate in others’ problems, shed a tear in their times of difficulty.
Just like, we buy something only after examining its quality and purity, the Lord examines whether we are qualified and eligible to receive His grace through good health, wealth and prosperity.
We have to be crystal clear inside.

We are carrying the filth of impurities, on the other hand we are carrying the nectar of the soul as well.
Everything is ready-made, except the mind!
Remove the garbage of emotions, harsh feelings
intellectual perversion. God will be pleased. Let your house and heart be clean every day. When God comes into our hearts, everyday is a festival! 

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