
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Carry the Day

Carry the Day (Always aim at purifying your thoughts)
and everything will be well. By
Sayed Abuelmagd

Have you ever wanted to create change in your life, but you have not been able to make progress? Perhaps you felt stuck where you were and you struggled to move forward? I have experienced this feeling numerous times in my own life.
You may want to manifest a new job, your ideal relationship, or more money. You may want to change some bad habits or live with more self-love. No matter what it is, there is one key step that I see many people miss, and for years I missed it too.
The step that people often miss is the creation of a powerful, beautiful and inspiring vision for changing their bad thoughts and focusing on what they want. Instead of dedicating their attention and focus to where they want to go, they instead get tripped up focusing all of their attention on where they are now.
To create change, we need to take our attention off our old stories and our present situation, and use our imagination to focus on where we want to go.
You will realize how important it is to think and behave differently when you start reading “Carry the Day”. You will have a light bulb moment and then cannot put it down.
If you are ready to change, this book is for you. The book does not coddle you but helps you see with clarity what is needed for change. This book is crystal clear, and to the point.
In a concise way the book hits the big items involved when a person gets serious about changing their life for the better, i.e. willingness, taking action, getting help, helping others, building self-esteem, embracing spirituality, treating depression, healing the wounds of the past, and forgiving ourselves and others.
No change, No life. There is not only an in-depth analysis of the mysterious and difficult process of changing but also inspiration.
Discover your life's work and gain inner satisfaction and personal meaning with this inspiring, practical guide.
You will read the truth about creating the work that you had always wanted.
In "Carry the Day”, you will find the attributes that an entrepreneur possesses: inventive inclination, authentic focus, meaningful purpose, "figuring-out" skills, risk- taking effectiveness, strategic outlook, and high spiritual intelligence.
An "inventive inclination" is simply creativity combined with resourcefulness. Unleashing your inventive powers involves asking "what," not "how." It's being open to possibilities.
Once we open our mind to creative possibilities, it's
necessary then to focus authentically on who we are at heart.
It's easy to read assume from this book's title that it involves mastering some kind of magical thinking that if done right, will bring you all you ever wanted. Not so. What it does offer is practical reasons of why and how one can actually do what they love and make money.
In this book you will know that the best things in life cannot be seen - they must be felt with the heart. Cleverness is what we do with what we have.
If you’re not happy with your relationships, your career, finances and health, come to this book.
If you are haunted with your past, come to this book. If negative thought patterns and beliefs hold you back from having all that you want in life, this book is the solution.
In “Carry the Day” you will learn that limiting beliefs can lead to a host of issues, including depression, anxiety, phobias, Self-sabotage, health problems and more.
The good news is that it can all be turned around, quickly and easily when you read “Carry the Day”.
“Carry the Day” teaches you how to change your thoughts and draw positive energy into your life and if we skip the why questions and instead look straight to HOW, we can change our thoughts and our situation almost immediately.
What really counts is that we need to be very careful with our thoughts and also our words and actions. There is so much negativity in the world today, it is easy to let our minds wander into negative thinking which will result in negative words and actions. Every day we need to consciously be thinking positively so we can make positive changes in the world.
It’s not always easy to change your thought patterns, but taking control of our thoughts is one of the greatest successes we can achieve. Sometimes it just takes the realization of the simplicity of the matter. So many leaders of thought have argued over the centuries for the meaning of life, but there is one thing they all agree on, and that is, “You are what you think!”
Once you change your thoughts I guarantee that you will change your world so feel eager to clean your thoughts and build the life you love.
In “Carry the Day” you will learn that Life is one big road and you mustn’t complicate your mind.
You will learn how to flee from hate, mischief and jealousy.
Don't bury your thoughts but put your vision into reality. Wake Up and Live!
If you can imagine it, you can do it.

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