
Monday, November 21, 2016

(The Master Key to becoming a Great Writer) Ways to Fall in Love with Words

It is a book for everybody who wants to learn how to write or who needs to do some writing to get through the day, as almost everybody does in the age of e-mail and the Internet.
Whether you want to write about people or places, science and technology, business, sports, the arts or about yourself in the increasingly popular memoir genre, The Master Key to Becoming a Great Writer offers you fundamental principles as well as the insights of a distinguished writer and teacher.
It provides all the necessary tools to make you successful with every type of written expression.
It'll help you find your passion and your voice, beginning from the first really crummy draft to the peculiar letdown of publication.
It is for freeing your creativity in ethereal ways. Though aimed at writers, this book is full of sage advice.
If you're a writer--and I claim to be one--it's more than a few anecdotes and good advice; it's a lifeline in the thrashing seas of rough-draftdom, a foothold on the sands of jealousy and vain ambition.

This book teaches you that writing is about letting go, growing, facing truths, holding on and something other than mere publication.
This book won't solve the mechanical aspects of your writing, or lead you on the path of structural excellence, but it will spark your creativity, free your characters to be true to themselves, and, ultimately, shake you from your doldrums back into the writing mode.
It's long on motivation, humour, and practical ways to get yourself writing. Of course it is about writing, but it is also about any kind of long term endeavour that is challenging, that creates self-doubt, and that is a channel for self _expression and self actualisation.
It's incredibly liberating and freeing, and allows one to write whatever one has to write with self-permission to do a bad job the first time round because you know you'll correct it later on. If you write ANYTHING this book will give you practical, helpful advice to advance and improve.
The book will warm you, and make you feel that you can continue your writing with a stronger and better perspective. The practical and real life advice will stay with you as you struggle to become the writer you already are.
The book contains a dozen essential but easy-to-apply guidelines to good writing, from the importance of clarity to the value of a conversational tone.
It teaches you how to tell a story—from building suspense, to effective description, to the uses of metaphor and literary devices.
The Master Key to Becoming a Great Writer is one-stop shopping for writers. Read it once, and you’ll be a better writer. Read it often, and you’ll be among the best.
It will also be of great value to just about anyone else who needs to improve reasoning and reading as well as writing skills.
For anyone who wants to improve his/her writing, be it a novel, report, or personal correspondence, there is no better guide than The Master Key to becoming a Great Writer.
It is an entertainingly easy to follow guide on not only what to do, but just as importantly, what not to do. Building interest and suspense, creating word pictures, use of appropriate metaphor, and other writing techniques are explained and illustrated in this superb book.
This is one of the best books on writing and should be read by anyone wanting to move their writing up to the next level.
Chapter One

Something new to learn

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