
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Your insight will liberate you from fear, anger, and despair, and bring you true joy, true peace, and true happiness

Your insight will liberate you from fear, anger, and despair, and bring you true joy, true peace, and true happiness
Set aside time for gratitude. Before you get out of bed in the morning, take a few minutes to remember some of the boons given to you by God that you value. End your day with “ He is Allah the most merciful....I believe in Him and I depend on Him”
Take time to make a list of the people and things that you value in your life. Include people and events from the past that helped you become who you are today. Notice when things go well your car starts, your coworker smiles at you, your report goes well, your family enjoyed their dinner together. Be grateful for events.
Look around and see what you’re taking for granted: running water, electricity, working plumbing, food, clothing, fresh air, health, soap, razor blades, towels, toilet paper. What would your life be like without them? What if you had no access to them, or even the hope of any?
Be grateful for talents, skills, abilities. Wow, I can read! Isn’t that a miracle?
Savor happy memories.
Be thankful for bad things avoided and for things you haven’t lost. It could have been worse; it was worse in the past.
Think about where things came from and what it took to invent, create, package, transport, and market
them. Think about all the connections involved, all the people and systems and materials.
Express your gratitude. When you receive good customer service, look the other person in the eyes and express your appreciation. Both of you will be pleased. Praising people for what they do motivates them.
Use focused gratitude to improve a negative situation. If your hands are hurting you, appreciate your strong legs or that you can see well. If you’re struggling with your job, try keeping a gratitude list of the things about it you can find to appreciate.
To build the gratitude skills of your children and to generate a more positive work environment, practice expressing your gratitude for good efforts out loud.
Positive moods are as contagious as negative ones. By practicing gratitude you literally make the world a happier place.

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