
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Beat Despair

Your insight will liberate you from fear, anger, and despair, and bring you true joy, true peace, and true happiness
Sometimes the negative thinking in despair can make you feel like you’re a lost cause, but despair can be treated and you can feel better!
I’m a hope builder.
I feel like that, more than anything else I do on this earth, is my purpose.
Because hope, when you really think about it, is the only thing you need to get better.
Once you stop believing in a better tomorrow, you’re in trouble. But hope doesn’t happen in our sleep. It takes practice and patience.
This is not a book by a doctor writing about patients. No more obsessive despair -- that's what this book can help you to be better.
What a fantastic book! It is a totally unique approach on a difficult subject. It will certainly help you and give you the strength to carry on, there is definitely light at the end of your tunnel. This book is to anyone who suffers from despair.

Everybody suffers from despair at some time in their lives. If you suffer from despair, then this book is for you. It will help you get back to the real world without pills.
What a great book this is! It will truly change your life. It is EASY to read. It is a must for anyone whose brain is
freaking out.
It will make huge difference and, most importantly, these are healthy changes that you can make for the rest of your life.
There is a great hope that the techniques in this book will "even out" your moods in the long-term and really improve quality of life for your family and you.
This is the rare book in the field that is useful, not merely for the clinically despair, but also for those merely suffering from the 'normal blues', or even those just wishing to enhance the well-being of their lives.
This book will potentially prove to be a watershed moment in the very understanding of despair and the goals of medical treatment.
This is truly an excellent method of working to accept and overcome the problems of despair.
It is a much more comprehensive approach, based on the principles of cognitive therapy but with the addition of mindfulness.
This approach is also good for people who aren't really
clinically desperate but who get caught up in negative thinking patterns and low self esteem: "Why me?" "I'm a loser", "I'll never get ahead", etc...
The book is to teach you exactly how to practice the mindfulness exercises.
The book is written in a very easy language and is easily understandable.
This book helps you to stay up, and not slip back too far into despair.
It is a must read. It will help you endure the hard times and seize the triumphs.
This book is practical, very well written, and genuine in its approach.
It doesn't make grandiose claims. Instead, it is based on a very solid theoretical and empirical foundation, yet it doesn't get caught up in unnecessary jargon.
The importance it places on living a life that you value is excellent, and avoids many of the pitfalls of the contemporary cultural assumption.
People who will find this book most helpful:
- Anyone who suffers from despair or anxiety
- Anyone who wants to be happy, but always fails to achieve it
- Anyone who struggles with their thoughts/thinks too much.
- Anyone who's seeking to grow.

The book is full of EFFECTIVE, evidence-based strategies to effectively respond to our distressing emotions, thus reducing their impact on us. It also gives us strategies to disentangle ourselves from self-defeating thoughts.
As you read the book, you realize that life is not about having happy, pleasant thoughts and feelings. It is about living a meaningful life consistent with your values.
The book gives you the needed tools to just do that:
FREE yourself from your MIND and have the energy to live a meaningful life. 


  1. The book is full of EFFECTIVE, evidence-based strategies to effectively respond to our distressing emotions, thus reducing their impact on us. It also gives us strategies to disentangle ourselves from self-defeating thoughts.
    As you read the book, you realize that life is not about having happy, pleasant thoughts and feelings. It is about living a meaningful life consistent with your values.
