
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Save Your Marriage

Do you keep thinking that she was crazy, and she was convinced that you were stupid? You  didn’t agree on anything, did you?. Do your fights (over little things) end with one of you casually suggesting that divorce might be the answer? It hurt.
Do you want to have a lasting loving relationship?
Relax and:
Understood so much more about where your feelings were coming from. 
Understood your wife much more and feel more sympathy for her situation.
Be patient and loving with each other.
The truth is, even though YOU may seem to fight constantly with your spouse, you might find it’s not that hard to completely turn things around and save your marriage. It’s not that hard (if you know how to do it) to actually stop fighting and  start loving each other again! It seems like a miracle, but it is true. Even your sex life can recover – it’s not as hard as you might think.
Enjoy each other’s company again!
I know that these can seem like dark days but hang in there. If you want to make your marriage whole again, you will succeed. There are lots of things you can do to bring the love back before it is too late.
Treatment will be complete when you have found mutually agreeable solutions to your issues, and have learned the skills to resolve new issues as they arise with similarly win-win solutions.
Attempts to make your partner change invite defensiveness. Instead, use your energy to figure out what you could do differently to stay loving and good-humored when he does things you hate. Become "self-centered" in the best possible sense.
The negative muck you give each other is totally unhelpful. It only taints a positive relationship. So, stop criticism, complaints, blame, accusations, anger, sarcasm, digs or snide remarks.
Stay in the calm zone. Exit early and often if either of you start to get heated. Calm down and re-engage cooperatively. In good time loyalty is important; in challenging time it's essential.
Spending time together with no “marriage talk” and no pressure. Just to remember that you can enjoy each other’s company. (This might pleasantly surprise both of you when there is less anger in the air).

 Reconnection takes advantage of the subconscious process.  When you only have minimal contact with your spouse, each word can be important.  A really nice message can backfire if it contains just one needy word.  Many people choose to get coaching at this point to be confident that their messages are helping, rather than harming, their chances to reconcile with their spouse.
Apologies and reasoning do nothing to prevent divorce.
Many people try to reconnect with their spouses by being apologetic, overly generous, or even by using reasoning.  They attempt to apologize for having made mistakes and then to try to convince their spouse that his or her leaving was a mistake.  It is a mixed message–“Yes, I made many mistakes, but you should come back to me because I have changed now.”  Such messages result in loss of respect rather than attraction, for a few reasons.  The apology is too late, the reasoning does not fit the facts, and the message that really comes across is, “Come back to me because I need you,” which is a really selfish and needy message.  No one who feels like they have been a victim of a bad marriage is going to want to return just because their spouse needs them or claims to have changed. During the connection phase of reconciling, you have to be careful not to slip into disagreement for any reason.  That’s not easy to do when your spouse is telling you it would be better if you were just friends or to give him or her “space.”
It will be time to start doing activities together.  Your spouse won’t want to think of this as “dating,” and it shouldn’t be framed that way.  It’s an important time to continue to work on building connections and attraction, but with no attempt to persuade your spouse to come back.  Doing that at this time would just break the new emotional bridge that you have started to form.  Keeping in mind that you can’t persuade people to be attracted to you, it’s important to use the kind of communication that works to build attraction.  Think of it this way–can you intentionally make yourself attracted to someone?  Or, do you find that you are just somehow attracted to some people and not to others?  That’s the way it works in your spouse, too.  What you do as the connections are being built will determine whether he or she becomes attracted to you again.  He or she can still consciously decide not to see you, but he or she can’t consciously stop the feeling of attraction for you from growing. 
Getting to know each other at a deeper level with more love and compassion on both sides is very important.
Problem solving comes after, not during the reconnection stage
I don’t recommend that you try to get to problem solving until after your spouse starts to desire to rebuild your marriage.  Although problem solving is essential for getting rid of the problems that led to the separation in the first place, working on problem solving and reconnecting at the same time will make both more difficult and less likely to succeed.  It is much easier to work on problems with a spouse who enjoys you, wants to be with you, and is motivated to work on the issues that are getting in the way of that. 
Both of you should be motivated and enjoy making a marriage that far exceeds what it was before.
It is the connection between you and your spouse that keeps your marriage together, rather than a legal commitment or marriage license
People do not want to be in marriages simply because of obligation.  There is nothing protective in having a marriage license.  Marriage is important because it demonstrates the level of commitment that couples have toward each other at the time they are getting married.  After that, they must continue to care for and enjoy each other to keep their connection strong.  This is a lesson that many men and women do not realize until after their spouse has separated from them.  Then, they find themselves without the skills they need to create a desire in their spouse to give them a second chance.  It is important not to try to use your spouse’s obligation to the marriage, or to the children as motivators to get your spouse to come back.  You may succeed in making your spouse feel guilty, but that guilt will only make your spouse want to avoid you more. Guilt does not build attraction.
The right mindset, being calm and empathizing
To be effective in rebuilding your relationship with your husband or wife, you will need to make a shift in thinking.  Instead of trying to convince your spouse to come back to you because you need him or her so much, or because it’s the “right” thing to do, you need to start thinking about your spouse’s perspective.  You need to carefully think about how you would feel and what you might do if you were in your spouse’s situation.  You need to start to empathize with the reasons your spouse has separated.  Unless he or she is a monster, he or she has not separated in order to hurt you or to do wicked things.  He or she probably has not been happy for some time and really wants to be. 
The right mindset is important, but you will still need to know what to say and do.  

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