
Thursday, November 24, 2016

“Consuming” a consistent diet of bad news (live a happier life)

With all the doom and gloom in the world, it seems as though everywhere we turn, there’s one crisis or another. And although it’s crucial to be well-informed and prepared in these modern times, “consuming” a consistent diet of bad news takes a toll on health, happiness and even our rate of age.
We are all doing things in our life that we should drop immediately in order to live a happier life and be the person we truly want to be.

Delete these things and find your purpose:

1-Avoid the poisonous people around you
We all have poisonous people around us, and it’s easy for me to say just drop them, but you have to find a way.
Poisonous people are energy suckers, they suck the life out of you until you get down to their way of thinking. I am sure you can think of a few people just now who are like this. It can be tough if you work closely with someone who is negative, or have family members who are like this. Drop them gradually or stay out of their way as much as possible.
Another thing you can do is counteract all their negatives with positives, oh! they don’t like that, and the more you do it the more they will avoid you.

2-Delete remembering the mistakes you have made
Your mistakes in life serve as a reminder of what not to do in the future. You can be in two teams on mistakes:
Team one: woe is me, I made a mistake I am such a loser, I totally embarrassed myself, I’ll never be able to show my face in public again.
Team two: I made a mistake, sure as hell won’t be doing that again, but at least I learned what not to do.
Nobody, but nobody, has ever succeeded in life without failing a few times, so making mistakes is inevitable if you want to live a more successful and happier life.

3-Delete the past
Let me ask you a question about your past... Can you go back and change it?

So why dwell on things that have happened in the past when there is absolutely nothing you can do to change it, you can make amends for the past, you can say you’re sorry about something you’ve done in the past but the fact remains the past has happened and it can’t be changed.
The more you think about the past, the more your mind lives there, and it can be a hard slog getting back to living in the here and now, and looking forward to the future.

4-Drop your self portrait image
A self portrait is a painting or drawing of yourself that everyone can look at. Everyone will see something different, just like a piece of art, and so it is in life.
You are not the same person all the time to everyone you meet. You act differently depending on the people you are with at the time, you don’t speak or act the same way with your mates as you do with your parents, but really you should. You should have enough confidence to be the same with every single person who shares your life.
When you meet someone who is truly authentic they totally shine above everyone else, there’s no airs and graces, you either take them the way they are or you don’t, simple as that. I believe that’s what we should be striving for in life. Just quit the bloody swearing

5-Delete feeling sorry for yourself
Sometimes it’s great just to sit on the ‘poor me’ train and just let it roll into ‘Woe is me’ station, but the longer you are on that train the more difficult it is to get off it.
Give yourself a shake, you’ve only got a few years to make a difference in your life, and those around you, so jump off the ‘poor me’ train and head for ‘happy future’.
Buying a ticket for the ‘poor me’ train is a choice!

6-Delete saying yes all the time
There are times for saying yes and times for saying no.
When saying yes makes you feel uncomfortable, miserable or stressed, it’s then time to say no, however hard it may be, you need to find a way.
The first time you say no to someone, when you usually say yes, will empower you so much that it can turn your life around.
You could take this too far and say no to absolutely everything, but your only criteria for saying no is when it makes you feel uncomfortable, miserable or stressed. So if you’re taking on too much work, say no when it becomes too stressful, if you’re doing too much in your relationships just say no to pull back a bit.

7-Delete trying to please everyone
It’s impossible, literally impossible, to please everyone, even if you’re the nicest, most splendid, most wonderful, most loving person in the world there’s always someone who will not like you for some reason.
Let it go, it’s okay for some people not to like you, and it’s more than okay for you to stop going out of your way to try and please them.
Be yourself, and if someone doesn’t like you for being yourself at least you’ll respect yourself for being you.
8-Drop saying the right thing
The world has gone mad over the last few years, talking about what you can’t say, what you shouldn’t say, and what’s a bit risky.
We shouldn’t be censoring what we say because we think someone might be offended, the only reason we think like this is because of our parents, the media, school, co- workers and friends; they are keeping us in check – to comply.
If we have an opinion about something we are entitled to speak our minds. I’m not saying you should try and offend everyone who gets in your way or speak up because you like the sound of your own voice, but if you have a strong opinion about something, speak up and let your voice be heard.

9-Delete your limiting beliefs
One of the most amazing gifts we, as humans, have developed over the last 100 years is the knowledge that we can change our beliefs, particularly our limiting beliefs.
We all have them, but a lot of the time we don’t recognize them.
To test your limiting beliefs let me ask you:
What do you truly want to do with your life?
If you know the answer, then the next questions is – What’s stopping you? Your answers will often reveal your limiting beliefs.
When you know your limiting beliefs you can then work on dropping them or replacing them with alternative more positive focused beliefs that will drive you forward in life.
Drop your limiting beliefs today and start working on new beliefs about yourself.
10-Delete worrying about the future
If you do your best today, your future has already been taken care of.
We are a whole being that is worthy of love, and the sooner we recognize that the sooner we can live it. 


  1. Give yourself a shake, you’ve only got a few years to make a difference in your life, and those around you, so jump off the ‘poor me’ train and head for ‘happy future’.

  2. Fantastic ❤❤πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘
