
Friday, November 25, 2016

Renewing Your Mind

Renewing Your Mind
The Challenge of Renewing Your Mind
  •   How can a person renew their mind?
  •   What help can I expect from God in changing the
    way I think?
  •   What can I do to get rid of inappropriate thoughts
    in my mind?
  •   What role do your emotions have in determining
    what you think about?
    The old way of thinking has not gone away. Many still struggle with temptations in their mind, bitterness, depression, fear, hopelessness, frustrations, problems, and putting it bluntly-evil thoughts.
    The promise is powerful-if I renew my mind, God has some awesome benefits and rewards.
    1. I will be transformed-not just cleaned up on the outside-but completely transformed on the inside, too.
    2. I will know and understand God's will for my life.
  1. How many times have you said, "I wish I knew what God wanted me to do in this situation." Here is the path to knowing God's will-His good, pleasing and perfect will. Renew your mind!
  2. God will be with me when I renew my mind.
So when you pray, "Oh God, renew my mind," you are acting much like a child that says, "Mom, do my homework for me." Most responsible parents would say, "No!"
When it comes to renewing your mind, God will do His part, but not your part.
Three gifts are promised by God for every good one -a spirit of power, a spirit of love, and a spirit of self- discipline.
Self discipline in our thoughts is a critical element of renewing our minds. God has promised to help.
God promises to bring us from darkness into light.
You try to focus your mind on God's truth, but the evil movie continues to play in your mind. God offers another strategy we can use for these kinds of battles in the mind. "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.
We must do the same when we face evil thoughts. Satan is our enemy, committed to destroying us.
When evil thoughts come into your mind, don't try to run from them-attack them! Use the tools God has given you. Once you have exposed what you are battling, then begin to focus on the positive things.
Renewing our minds is a challenge that may take a lifetime.. But the real key to remember-this is my mind, and I must take full responsibility for renewing it.
The blessings are incredible that God has promised if we renew our mind-we will be transformed, we will be able to test and approve God's will in our lives, and we will experience His peace.
Do Your Feelings Control Your Thoughts?
Do you find it easy to think positive thoughts when you are feeling good and everything is going just great? But how do you respond when you feel depressed, discouraged, bored or unhappy? Do you allow these feelings to control your thoughts? 

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