
Monday, November 21, 2016

Goodbye Interview phobia Welcome Dream jobs

Goodbye Interview phobia
Welcome Dream jobs
Get the job easier and faster than you think.
Sayed Ibrahim Abuelmagd
Thanks to God, I wrote this book to help you take away your fears. This book will get you where you want quicker than you think. The book will psych you up for success.
If you have a dream of holding an employment fair in any fantastic area, read my book.
Thanks to God, I managed to write this book to help you believe in yourself and have the will to find the way to achieve your goal.
If you know you will have a job interview, you will not sleep, you will get so nervous and cannot get the words out.
What I can tell you is that you can get over your interview phobia easily when you read “Goodbye Interview phobia ....Welcome dream jobs”
If you want a better job, I will help you do it.
When you read this book, the whole interview will look and sound very familiar, so you no longer feel out of place.
Getting a better job is not as hard as you think.
“How to prepare for a job interview” I will tell you the real way to prepare.
Read this book and you will conquer the nervousness that has made you botch interviews.
In this book you will find the secret weapon that turns what seems like a complicated process into a simple one.
In a word, love of God gives us direction despite the myriad complexities and distractions of our time.
Because God is the source and perfection of love.
What is an interview?
Interview is a face-to-face conversation for a specific purpose.
The nature and type of the interview will vary according to the purpose of the interview.
To many job seekers, ”Stress” is synonymous with “job interview”.
And then they stress over what to wear, what to say, if the interviewer will like them and more.
But the worst stress of all often occurs during the interview. This is the stress that can cause you to blow it.
It can make you freeze, panic, chatter aimlessly, lose your train of thought or perspire profusely.
Try to get over stress and put in your consideration that you will sell yourself so you want to do it right.
Read “Goodbye interview phobia....Welcome dream jobs” to gain confidence and get hired.
Tips to motivate before the big interview
  1. 1-  You need to believe in God and you will be saved.
  2. 2-  Organizing your thoughts in advance will help youdeliver concise responses.
  3. 3-  Highlight the skills you possess.
  4. 4-  It is important to be truthful. They will be testing yourhonesty.
  5. 5-  Dye your feelings white and have an optimistic outlook.
  6. 6-  Before the interview: you should take a deep breath thatoxygenates the brain and reduces stress.
  7. 7-  Moderate exercise is another good relaxant and you willfind you are feeling pretty good. That improves your
    frame of mind and gives you energy.
  8. 8-  Show prospective employers what you can do for them.
  9. 9-  Communicate your enthusiasm for the job.
10- You should know a lot about the company you are
going to work in such as its products, its markets. Its
reports, magazines or marketing brochures.
11- Prepare this in advance in order not to be hesitant.
12- Do not talk badly about your previous manager
because it simply means that you will behave the same way with your new one.
How to deal with interview stress
  1. 1-  Relax. A few simple techniques can help calm frayed nerves and soon interview jitters.
  2. 2-  Arrive about ten minutes before the interview is scheduled to begin.
Picture this
Use your imagination to stay calm during a job interview.
Visualization is a relaxation technique in which you create a mental image of a stressful or challenging situation.
  1. 1-  Simply close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  2. 2-  Picture yourself greeting the interviewer confidently andanswer tough questions with ease.
  3. 3-  Practise succeeding in your imagination, and soon youwill be doing it in reality.
  4. 4-  Tailor your answer to your specific job.
How to psych yourself up for success
  1. 1-  Put in your consideration that you are the captain of your fate.
  2. 2-  Identify yourself as an active force.
  3. 3-  Have a positive outlook on things.
  4. 4-  Positive thinking is to have enough self-confidence andself-esteem.
  5. 5-  Make it a habit to encourage yourself to get things doneor to get out of gloomy situations.
  6. 6-  You must think ahead and make a plan.
  7. 7-  Downplay your negative sides and up-play your positiveassets and succeed brilliantly.
  8. 8-  Tame your anger or any negative vibes that you mayhave.
9- Pessimism is a deadly enemy that defeats your hopes and aspirations
10- Make time for whatever makes you happy and give you a sense of meaning.
11- Do not ignore God. Be with Him.
Pause, do not panic
In every interview, there comes a moment that does not go according to a plan.
You stumble over your words and you flub a tough question.
Do not panic. Now is the time to put your relaxation
skills into overdrive.
  1. 1-  When you feel yourself starting to panic and lose focus,pause.
    It is much easier to control fear and calm yourself down if you remember God.
  2. 2-  Tell yourself silently that you can do this. Take a deep breath. Refocus. And then resume interviewing.
  3. 3-  A quick ten-second pause can be all you need to regain your composure and get back in control.
Etiquette before the interview
1-Your hair should be clean, combed, controlled, neat and natural color.
2-Your nails should be clean, cut, and trimmed.
  1. 4-  Be conservative
  2. 5-  Wear your best outfit
  3. 6-  Wear a suit, a plain shirt with a tie and dark-colored,pressed trousers....that will work for men.
  4. 7-  A clean and pressed tailored dress or skirt and blousewill work for women.
Warnings for women:
1-No short skirts. Nothing should be above knee-length. 2-Do not wear trousers to the interview.
3-Do not wear more than two rings per hand or one earring per ear.
4-No bracelets.
5-Wear stockings even in humid summer weather. Stockings can be in a fashion color to match your
6-Shoes should be very clean ,polished, conservative in color and in good condition.
  1. 1-  No sports shoes......No sandals.
  2. 2-  Do not wear perfume as it will be distracting and theinterviewer might be allergic to it.
  3. 3-  Do use deodorant.
  1. 4-  Conservative color in various shades of blue and gray are best.
  2. 5-  Wearing black to the interview could be viewed as too serious.
  3. 6-  Brown should be avoided
  4. 7-  Let common sense guide you
  5. 8-  In this market, it is essential that you look good and yourappearance is right for the job.
  6. 9-  Get a haircut.
    1. 10-  Do not be so touchy.
    2. 11-  Strong will is the only way to success
    3. 12-  Do not lose heart.
    4. 13-  Take your time and do not rush at things. All in good
  1. 14-  Remember, a dream job is challenging.
  2. 15-  Be good in word and deed.
Etiquette during the interview
1- Your smile must be genuine
2-Give a firm handshake to each interviewer. Greet them with a friendly smile.
  1. 3-  Address each interviewer by name as he introduced. And sit straight.
  2. 4-  Wait to be offered a seat, and then say thank you and take a seat calmly.
  3. 5-  Do not cross your legs, or fidget.
  4. 6-  Do not hog the conversation.
7- Avoid slang.
8- Use technical terms.
9- Discussing wages and salary is seen as unethical.
10- Sell yourself by pointing out how you will benefit the employer.
  1. 11-  Do not lie about anything.
  2. 12-  Do not keep shifting your position.
  3. 13-  Your posture during the interview adds to or
diminishes your personality.
  1. 14-  Keep your body still.
  2. 15-  Do not make theatrical gestures.
  3. 16-  Do not play with your ties.
  4. 17-  Do not shake legs.
  5. 18-  Do not sit with your arms slung over the back of
the adjourning chair.
19- Put in your consideration that picking your nose is an ugly habit.
20- If you are shy, remind yourself of the old saying that we are all human beings.
21- Show the people you talk to that you are interested in what they are saying. They will show you the same.
22- Although it is important to make eye contact frequently as you talk, you do not need to stare continuously in the eyes of the other person.
23- If you are speaking, you can take your eyes off your interviewer occasionally.
24- However, do not stare off into space as if no one were there.
  1. 25-  Do not monopolize the conversation.
  2. 26-  Be enthusiastic.
  3. 27-  Make the interviewer that you are with
character, integrity and vision.
28- If you do not understand a word or phrase, do not stop the interviewer mid-way. Do not cut him short.
29- Let him complete the sentence and then ask him to clarify.
  1. 30-  Take a pause before you jump to an answer.
  2. 31-  Some interviewers do provoke the interviewee

and look at their actions; so be cool and polite. Etiquette after the interview

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