
Monday, November 21, 2016

Racism Why!!!

Racism Why!!! After we die we will be
just skeletons
Sayed Abuelmagd
Racism is one of the worst evils of the human heart
For many readers--those for whom contemporary rationalization has replaced serious thought--it will take real courage to read this book. But it will be an experience that opens their eyes and permits them to see clearly for the first time.
This book tells you that Racism is the evil of our time.
Racism must end!!! Racism is one of the last vestiges of human ignorance that needs to be addressed before we can unify the world in some semblance of peace.
We all live for a reason and one of these reasons is not to be racist or to be hurt by racism.
We are white, we are black, we are yellow ... we are Muslims, we are Christians, we are Jewish, we are anything..... Hispanics, Jews, Whites, Indians and Injuns, Blacks, Asians, Merpeople, Arabs, and Gypsies. Need I say more? The glory of the book is that it catches you laughing at racist remarks but at the same time reminds you of how utterly ridiculous racism is.
What the point of making a difference cos we are all the same. Blood, bones and souls! We all bleed one
color...RED! We all cry the same...with a tear! We all need each other... For support, for acceptance, for help!
This is a book of such astonishing honesty and perceptivity that many readers will at first think they can't believe what they're reading.
A hurting voice tackled by racism
All of our blood is the same, that runs deep within our veins. Why prejudice against foreigners?! Why xenophobia or ethnocentrism?!
This book provides a fascinating overview of how religious prejudice has become bloody and ugly and how racial prejudice became official policy.
Young people are facing unparalleled moral lawlessness, debauchery and Nihilistic cynicism....This one of the horrible consequences of racism.

Racism is stupid. There is only one race of people on the planet. The various sub-species of that one race all have good, and bad, smart and dumb, etc, in them. Judging people by skin color, or such, is idiotic. It goes back to the pre-human / early human days, and the principle of 'The Spirit Of Enmity'...which presumes that everyone who is not you is an enemy, or a potential enemy of you. Individuals, and families of related individuals, practice this spirit as a defense mechanism...because they are cowardly, and ignorant. No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them.

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