
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Cultivate hope

Cultivate hope
There is life beyond the pain you feel.
Hope lies in imagination.
Hope is what sustains us in difficult times.
Perhaps you find the idea of being a hopeful person difficult to grasp, and find yourself doubting your abilities, your willpower, or both. Thankfully hope is a quality that we can build in our lives intentionally. Hopeful people enjoy more success.
Ways to cultivate hope:
You can purposefully build hope by:
1) Setting goals for what you want to achieve, not what you want to avoid.
You will experience greater satisfaction working toward goals that you want to accomplish instead of attempting to avoid negative results. When we set tangible goals that can be measured, we know when we are getting closer to reaching them, and celebrating that progress builds hope. If your major aim in life is to not fail, you will never grasp a hold of your goal because “failure” could be lurking around any corner.
2) Ranking your goals in order of importance.
Not all goals are created equal, and the goals that
we desire the most will likely take time to
accomplish. Knowing which goals you desire the most enables you to focus on where to invest the majority of your time.
3) Breaking down your goals into smaller steps.
The greatest of adventures begin with taking a
single step. You must reduce them into manageable steps to see the path you need to follow to get to your destination.
4) Surrounding yourself with hopeful people.
We are social beings who are powerfully
influenced by those around us. If you want to be a more hopeful person, grow relationships with healthy people who believe in you. If we are closest to people who are always negative, then we will come to reflect that mindset too. The choice is yours. Who do you want to become?
5) Recognizing that there is more than one route to arrive at your goal.
High hope people are flexible enough to find
different ways to get to their goals.
6) Asking friends for advice on how to reach your goals.
You may have attempted multiple ways to get past
a barrier. Outside perspective from trusted friends can help you see new ways to tackle the challenges you face in realizing your goals.
7) Being willing to let go of one goal for a different goal.
Those low in hope tend to become fixated on one
goal, and persist even when they find themselves blocked. Don’t allow one single goal to dominate your life if it becomes evident that it is impossible to attain. Knowing when to quit and move on to different aspirations is a mark of hopeful people.
8) Telling yourself that your situation will improve when difficulties arise
Hopeful people know that they will encounter challenges that block the path toward their dreams at times, and they tell themselves that they will begin making progress again soon.
Growing deeper levels of hope within yourself takes hard work. It will require vulnerability and courage, day in and day out.
However, experiencing meaningful success in life doesn’t come to those who solely travel down the easy road. Barriers will attempt to block you from your goals, but cultivating hope can help propel you past them 

1 comment:

  1. Growing deeper levels of hope within yourself takes hard work. It will require vulnerability and courage, day in and day out.
