
Friday, November 25, 2016

“What do we need to learn to grow and experience life to our fullest?”

“The questions we ask shape the lives we lead.”
Below, you’ll find questions that help you cultivate your self-awareness and lead a life that’s meaningful to you.
“Who am I?”
“The exploration of this question helps reveal your essence as an energetic being. How to reach enlightenment? It also highlights our possibilities and reminds us that we’re more than our bodies.
“What do I need right now more than anything else?”
Too often, we neglect what we most need to be happy and healthy. For instance, you might need sleep, a massage, exercise or rest. Whatever it is, respond to your need. Doing so helps us not only address our short-term needs but also, by extension, our long-term happiness.
“What meaning can I draw from this experience?”
Every experience has a purpose and potential lesson. Of course, the lesson may be tough to swallow. In other words, focusing on the lesson helps us keep going in tough times.

“What feeling do I most want to have in my life? What do I want to be doing more of in my life? What do I want to be doing less of in my life?”
Explore what you really want and what you’re currently doing.
For instance, “we might want a feeling of peace and relief but keep signing up for high-pressure responsibilities.”
When we’re creating a fulfilling life, it’s important to cut out the things that weigh us down and add the things that lift us up.
“What am I resisting, or attaching to?”
For many of us the fear of not being enough or not having something turn out the way we want shows up as resistance or attachment and prevents growth.
However, when you identify what you’re resisting or attaching to, you can refocus on cultivating acceptance and expansion. “When we are not resisting or attaching, we are free to experience life fully.

What are my gifts? How can I share them with the world?
For instance, your gifts might include a great sense of humour, playing the piano, acting with kindness, creating art and volunteering your time.
“How can I celebrate each day, or the moments of my life?”
We tend to forget that every moment is ripe with gratitude and gifts. “This question prompts you to take notice of the good stuff coming in; to pause to give thanks and mark the moments that uplift us all.
Again, the questions we ask influence the quality of our lives.
Ask good questions, good things come into your life. Questions fire up our curiosity and they also illuminate the depth of our soul and psyche. This kind of reflection leads to growth, compassion, contribution and appreciation.” 

1 comment:

  1. Questions fire up our curiosity and they also illuminate the depth of our soul and psyche. This kind of reflection leads to growth, compassion, contribution and appreciation.
