
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Find Yourself

Are you wondering how to go about finding yourself? Or wondering how you got lost in the first place and forgot who you really are?
Life and its distractions have a way of making us lose sight of ourselves and who we truly are.
It is easy to get caught up in all the distractions of life, the clothes that need mending, the food that needs to get on the table, the work that lies ahead of you tomorrow.
All the responsibilities of your life surround you and tempt you into to thinking they are the most important things of your life. And if you let them, they will take over your life, and you will spend it serving them, instead of the other way around.
One day follows another, and lately the weeks and months are starting to blur together. Looking back, you could see you were starting to use things to get you by until the weekend, or the next major holiday.
Your favourite TV shows were becoming a ritual of how to spend your nights after dinner and before bedtime. You counted down the days till the release of your next favourite movie, the anticipated publication of a book or the release date for the next piece of technology you wanted. 

Follow these tips:
Write down all of your major goals that you feel you have achieved and want to achieve. In turn, write down the events in your life that have already happened and that have shaped or affected you.
On analyzing negative past experiences, focus on what you learned from them. Everyone has these blips in their timeline, but exaggerating or ignoring them won't help you. Instead, recognize that these experiences shaped you.
Sit down with yourself. At the end of the timeline, come up with a few beliefs of yours that aren't based on logic, but are based on what you've been told. We all have them. Now, what do you actually think?
Society has a very covert way of handing us the "misfits", condemning the "losers", idolizing the "beautiful", alienating the "strange." But here's a heads up: These describing words have no basis in reality. How do you feel about the world around you? Think about what you believe to be good and bad — not what anyone else has told you.
Feel free to think more concretely. Do you actually agree with your parents' political or religious affiliations? Is having a career really the most important thing to you? Do thick, black glasses really make you feel "cooler?" If the answer is no, great! There's absolutely zero problems with not molding yourself to pre-existing norms. Now all you have to do is unlearn and then relearn. Only this time, relearn based on your gut. 
Confidence and reliance are at the heart of finding yourself. If you don't have a solid sense of self-worth, you'll listen to what others have to say all the time and to be swayed by their insistence on what is appropriate. Learn to believe in yourself and trust your own feelings. Then, you'll come up with a structure to base your new sense of self on.
Start by overcoming bad habits.
Stop smoking, over-eating, and abusive drinking.
Getting everything else out of the way will clear up the path to "me" time.


  1. Life and its distractions have a way of making us lose sight of ourselves and who we truly are.
