
Friday, November 25, 2016

How to Know Your Purpose in Life

How to Know Your Purpose in Life
"What can we do with our life?" into "What did we do with our life?"Knowing our purpose may be planning for our futures, on a day to day basis on whether we are living up to our dreams, or when times become hard.
Start at the beginning by evaluating what your skills are and where you may develop new ones. You might be potentially a budding and brilliant artist or scientist, a good person to talk to or anything from a wide range but you just haven't discovered it yet.
Appreciate and enjoy what you have & what life has given you. By taking frequent moments to step back and examine the good things you have already done it can build a sense of gladness and appreciation that you have been able to do them, as well as ways to work to avoid doing things in the present and the future that may cause you unhappiness or dissatisfaction.
Look to how you can contribute to the world by making a difference in your backyard. One person can make a huge difference, the problem is: it's easy to forget that in the face of the bigger global world as well as bigger dreams to do something on a grand scale.

You might even be doing something that helps people to make a difference of their own already, so by recognizing all the small ways you help others or can help others can give your life new meaning.
Establish a system of virtue that works for you. Virtue or ethics are a good foundation to build happiness on as they provide not only a sense of security but also a greater sense of self control.
Many people may already operate on a system of ethics, such as not stealing, but to recognize it as an ethical choice not to steal, then it can give more benefits.
The downside of a system of ethics is many people may be turned off by the sense of commitment or a sense of inflexibility, but also some people may become too proud of their ethics, which will then compromise their well being.
Some may also go too far and become extremist of commit illegal acts to make their point. It’s wise to be very selective and choose ways to improve your well being and to give yourself a sense of direction, without it going too far.
The earlier we start in life the sooner the benefits and the greater sense of well being we develop as we age. It may help to consider this example. If you do kind things for other people it provides a sense of purpose by connecting with other people.

At the same time if you do kind deeds for yourself, as you are here too after all, it helps you to connect more with yourself and can define your life purpose more clearly, or can be used to improve the quality of your life. Few things are greater than that.
Meet people in person and make or join groups of like minded friends. Good friends are perhaps the world’s greatest treasures as true friendship is about growth and support towards a healthier and wiser life.
While we can have great friends online, if we never have met them face to face we can never really know or value them as well as we could.
The computer screen, as well as distance, often gets in the way preventing the friendship meeting its potential.
Many people we deem friends are not necessarily true friends and quite often some people may be wanting our company to serve a purpose of their own.
While it is very important to avoid looking for someone else's "grand plan", quality can be improved by getting inspiration from others as well as ourselves. The important thing to consider is that we have to keep things in context and not go too far.
The world existed before we were born and will continue after we die, we are just one of many billions. The purpose is whatever inspires you.

Join large international volunteer groups if you want to feel part of "the bigger picture". For example you can consider volunteering in support roles for the United Nations, Red Cross, the World Health Organization, or Médecins Sans Frontières.
There are also organizations that teach English in countries that have few schools and many more options. If you are younger you may spend your holiday or gap year as a volunteer to gain an insight into different cultures, but also an insight into your own culture, allowing you to ask what really matters.
When older you can contribute in many other ways, such as in support care services, acting as mentors or looking at ways to get involved in your community. The aim is to try new things in different ways. You might want to stick with what you know, but the whole world is out there.
Consider other ways to know your purpose.
You can also contribute in ways to find or make your purpose at the same time.
It is wise to remember as always that we all dream of making a difference in some way or another, but it is making a commitment and taking that first step forward that can turn a dream into a reality.
Even if it turned out unsuccessful, the opportunity to learn and gain from that experience is never lost.

If it didn't reach potential in time, then the effort was still not wasted as it can inspire others to continue your dream, or to make a new journey of their own.
There is a host of examples you can consider, such as:
  •   You might find a different purpose in improving your own education, such as going to university or college.
  •   Establish if you can contribute to giving a good quality life to abandoned or stray animals. Sometimes our purpose stares us in the face and we sometimes cannot see it.
  •   A random act of kindness like giving water to a stray dog or cat, can give one great joy. Providing an old blanket in winter for a stray kitten to sleep on can be very satisfying and rewarding. It increases your value in contributing to a better world.
  •   If you have skills, such as wood or metal working and other crafts, cooking, musical talents(etc) see if you can become a volunteer teacher in community programs.
  •   Think outside the box and see if you can create your own business.
  •   Your purpose might also involve being a benefactor or protector of the environment. Many of us have a purpose to help conserve and protect our dying planet.
  •   Planting a tree, flowers or shrubs indirectly benefits other humans, the birds, the bees or butterflies will all benefit from this small but beautiful act on your path. 

1 comment:

  1. You might find a different purpose in improving your own education, such as going to university or college.
