
Saturday, November 26, 2016

How can you be the person who looks outside and says, “it’s a beautiful day, and I’m excited,”

Now, how do you become that person?
Live your values
Believe and act upon your personal values. That builds contentment over time.
Live for today
Waiting for a day that is less busy is waiting for a day
that will never come. Don’t put off what makes you
Baby steps towards life goals
Break big dreams into small achievable steps, and then focus on taking one step at a time. The progress makes us happy. The small steps give us a chance to achieve our goals.
Find meaningful work:
The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If
you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.
Don’t talk bad about people
You’ll feel bad afterwards and it doesn’t achieve
anything. Look for the positive and talk about that (or say nothing).
Put more effort into understanding the people around you. Really listen and ask questions to understand them. You’ll have better conversations and better perspective.
V olunteer
Volunteering allows you to put your problems in perspective, and perspective plays a big role in appreciating our lives.
Holding a grudge only makes you feel bad. Don’t let
someone who has treated you poorly have the power to take away your joy.
Give to yourself
Make time for you, your education and your health.
Forgive yourself
Forgive yourself. You’re human.
Be thankful
When we’re thankful, it’s easier to be happy. Here are some ways to be more thankful...
Gratitude journal
At the end of every day write a short list of what you’re thankful for. It can include big things like your health or small things like a fun activity you did with your son or a compliment someone gave you at work. Keeping a gratitude journal helps you focus on the positive, and trains you to seek out the positive. When you record what you’re thankful for daily, you start looking for and making a note of those things throughout the day.
You can review your journal when you want a reminder
of everything you’re thankful for.
Choose to see the positive
Seeing things more positively increases happiness. I’m not suggesting you embrace someone who is trying to hurt you or tell someone it’s good that they’re sick, but you can train yourself to view things more positively.
It’s your choice...
You can be the person who looks outside and says, “it’s a beautiful day, and I’m excited,” or the person who says, “I’m disappointed it’s supposed to rain tomorrow.”
Avoid comparison
I’ve certainly suffered when I’ve compared myself to
others and wondered why they had it better. First off, we
can’t assume anyone has it better, because we don’t
know their lives and their problems.
So, focus on you. Where are you compared to where you were a year ago? What can you do to achieve your goals?
Find Opportunities in everyday living
Be early
(Men, this has nothing to do with the prior point). I’m always stressed when I’m running late. I’m not sure why it took me so long, but I made a decision to have fewer meetings back to back and give myself enough time that I’d always be early.
Avoid clutter
When you have more stuff it creates more work, you lose
things, and stuff can simply weigh you down. You’re also
constantly reminded that you have work to do / things to clean when you see your clutter.
Keep the right perspective
Choose who you spend time with carefully
If you spend time with negative people, you’ll impact
your happiness. Find people who energize you. Being around happy people will make you happier.
Make your own fun
Everything can be fun if we choose to make it that way.
Don’t keep score
No one owes you for your acts of kindness. You’re doing
the good deeds because you want to make a difference and you know it will also help you feel better. Keeping score takes away some of your joy.
Don’t look back
You’re not heading in that direction. Keep reminders of happy moments
Hang happy photos, keep mementos around the house, create photo albums. Remind yourself of the great times.
Recognize and embrace your inspirations
Maybe there are movies, stories, music or people that inspire you. Seek them out and expose yourself to themrepeatedly. Some people like to read about individuals who have enormous struggles to give them perspective. Others like to read about people who are saving the world. Choose what resonates with you.
Happiness is made up of tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean anything.
How do we accomplish this? There is a simple way that we can do at the start of our day. As we wake up each morning, we decide that our day will be as happy and stress-free as we hope it would be.
The first thing to do is we ask ourselves, “What do I wish for today?” Feel the desire and then remember that whatever we wished for, we will surely get it as long as we try to make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. Happiness is made up of tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean anything.
